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Partners for Clean Air Award Nominations Due April 30
Partners for Clean Air recognizes entities, during the Annual Partners for Clean Air Luncheon and Awards Ceremony, which go beyond their regulatory requirements to improve air quality in Indiana. The PCA awards nomination period is open through April 30, 2025 – nominate someone today!
Partners for Clean Air Award College Scholarship Applications Due April 30
Applicants must be a senior at a high school in Lake, Porter or LaPorte counties, demonstrate how their planned field of study supports the goals of the organization, and meet other qualifications. More information and a link to the application is available on the Partners for Clean Air Scholarship page. Consideration will be limited to the first 100 applications received or those received by 5 p.m. CST on April 30, 2025, whichever comes first.
Tornado and Storm Recovery
IDEM advises residents affected by the recent storms and tornadoes to exercise caution when managing debris. Debris can pose a risk to health and safety if not handled properly. IDEM has fact sheets to help Hoosiers safely dispose of tornado or storm debris and other household items, such as cleaning supplies, lawn chemicals and other hazardous substances.
- Emergency Debris Management [PDF]
- Emergency Burning for Disasters [PDF]
- Emergency Asbestos Debris Management [PDF]
- Household Hazardous Waste [PDF]
- Construction Demolition Waste [PDF]
You should always follow the directions from local authorities and your local solid waste management district (SWMD). A list of permitted solid waste facilities [PDF] is available.
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