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Quality Management Plan

The IDEM Office of Program Support’s quality assurance staff is responsible for the planning and development of agency environmental data operations standards, which are described in the Quality Management Plan (QMP). The IDEM Quality Management Plan (QMP) is prepared in accordance with guidelines from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA).

The QMP is a formal document requiring U.S. EPA Region 5 approval. It describes the IDEM quality system in terms of the organization's structure, the functional responsibilities of management and staff, lines of authority, supporting activities, and the required interfaces for planning, implementing, and assessing all activities conducted. The QMP describes the specific quality assurance and quality control practices employed by internal and external IDEM staff/contractors engaged in environmental data operations to generate and/or use environmental data for agency decision making.

IDEM considers environmental data operations – the work performed to obtain, use, or report such information – as the focus of the agency quality system. IDEM’s environmentally related decisions are supported by accurately, statistically, scientifically, and defensible data.

To obtain a copy of the current IDEM QMP, contact the IDEM Quality Assurance Manager at (317) 234-7134 or toll-free at (800) 451-6027 (ext. 47134).

Applicable Reference Documents:

  • ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, "Specifications and Guidelines for Quality Systems for Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology Programs," American National Standard-January 1995.
  • U.S. EPA Order CIO 2105.2, July 19 2022: ”Environmental Information Quality Policy.” This document describes the quality requirements for U.S. EPA organizations which produce environmental data.
  • U.S. EPA Manual 2105-P-01.2, July 19 2022: ”Environmental Information Quality Procedure.” This manual describes the specifications for satisfying the mandatory Quality System defined in U.S. EPA Order CIO 2105.2.
  • "U.S. EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QMP) EPA QA/R-2" (EPA/240/B-01/002, Final March 2001). This document provides the development and content requirements for Quality Management Plans for organizations that conduct environmental data operations for U.S. EPA through contracts, assistance agreements, and interagency agreements. This document will soon be replaced by a CIO directive.

Additional U.S. EPA Quality System series documents may be obtained directly from quality assurance staff or by downloading them from the U.S. EPA Agency-wide Quality Systems Documents page.