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Instructor Resources

New Lesson Plan Format for 2025

The ILEA has is now using a NEW format for lesson planning. Training staff at ILEA have conducted extensive research to determine the most efficient and productive way to document law enforcement training for the next decade. Our goal is to create a universal, web-based lesson plan that any instructor can access and complete.  Until we can create this on-line format, we have created some NEW forms that represent what the new format will look like.  Many of you have already seen these new forms from your new instructors that have recently completed basic instructor development.

Click here for full explanation.

Click here for NEW lesson plans.

Any questions about the NEW lesson plan format can be directed Lt. Tom Lahay at

Basic Academy Handgun Qualification Course of Fire

Effective February 19, 2018 this new 50 round course will be required for all approved LETB Basic Academies, including the Pre-Basic course. Please view the linked informational video and downloadable outline on the course of fire. After viewing the video and outline you can forward any questions to the ILEA Director of Firearms Training Lt. David Kipper at

Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement

This is the same PowerPoint presentation for instructors that the Academy currently sells. 
Now you can download this presentation here for free!
These are the materials you will need for 3 hours of state mandated training:

Click here to download Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement - Hour 1

Click here to download Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement - Hour 2

Click here to download Disability Awareness for Law Enforcement - Hour 3

(These files are rather large; if you have any trouble downloading them, the Academy still has CD's available for purchase.  Use the Multi-media order form listed below or stop by the Academy to obtain a copy for $5.)

Theft of Valuable Metals Training Package

This package was designed to meet the requirement for training in the investigation of valuable metal thefts.  The content is designed to reach a general audience and should take about one (1) hour to present.

If instructors add to the content then a student could claim the total amount of contact hours for which the class lasted.  This is designed to be presented as an instructor led presentation and not as e-training.

In this packet you should find: (1) Lesson Plan Cover Sheet (2) Lesson Plan (3) PowerPoint Presentation (4) Quiz.  If these materials are not present do not start the training until such time as you have all the material available.

The enclosed quiz may be used or the presenting instructor may construct his/her own.  Whichever is the case, students must obtain a passing score of 75%.  Instructors should provide documentation to students in attendance that demonstrates their successful completion.

Click here to download training materials package.