- ILEA 2024 End of Year Report
- Indiana Law Enforcement Academy 2023 Strength Book
- LETB Amends Statewide Deadly Force Policy: Effective on July 1, 2024
- Important Update on Psychomotor Skill Instructor Course Registration
- Free Elder Abuse Training for Law Enforcement
- LETB Adopts New Statewide Policies on Deadly Force & Minimum Standards For Vehicle Pursuits
- Act Now to Protect Against Increased Cyber Risks
- A Message Concerning Town Marshals’ Office Manpower Rules
- Certification of 2020 Handgun Permit Revenue
- De-Escalation Training Now Online From ILEA
- ILEA Announces New Prebasic Course!
- Rights of Sexual Assault Victims Brochure and Acknowledgement of Receipt From ICJI
- Earn College Credits for ILEA Basic Training!
- In-Service Training for Reserve Officers
- FirstForward Now Providing Free ILEA Online Training
- Secured Communications Grants Now Available
- ILEAA Commemorative Brick Project
- ILEA Sportswear Now Available!
- Instructor Identification NumbersMandated In-Service Training
- ILEA Physical Fitness Standards Protocol Video Now On-Line
- On-line Report Writing Modules Now Available
- Important Message About ILEA Course Payments!
- Annual Reporting of In-Service Training Due By March 31!
- LETB Guidelines for E-Training!
- Indiana Certifies Crime Scene Investigators
- ILEA Cancellation Policy Now In Effect!
ILEA 2024 End of Year Report
The ILEA 2024 End of Year Report is now available to download.
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy 2023 Strength Book
Click Here to download the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy 2023 Strength Book.
LETB Amends Statewide Deadly Force Policy: Effective on July 1, 2024
On October 23, 2023, the Law Enforcement Training Board (LETB) voted to amend the Uniform Statewide Policy on Deadly Force which will take effect July 1, 2024. This is a change from the previously announced implementation date of January 1, 2024 to give agencies sufficient time to adopt the policy and provide training to Indiana’s law enforcement officers. The corresponding training program will be available to agencies late February to assist in training officers on the statewide policy.
Further, the LETB adopted a Uniform Statewide Defensive Tactics Training Policy and statewide training program for basic training and annual in-service training for Indiana law enforcement officers. This information has been distributed statewide to defensive tactics instructors and training coordinators.
Please find a link to a letter offering more information regarding these statewide policies by clicking HERE.
Important Update on Psychomotor Skill Instructor Course Registration
Agency Heads and Training Coordinators,
Over the past year, we have heard agency issues and complaints with registering for psychomotor skills instructor classes at ILEA. With limited enrollment slots, the classes fill up quickly and not always in a fair and equitable manner. To address those issues, we have developed a new registration system for Firearms Instructor, EVO Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, and Ground Combatant courses similar to the new system in effect for Tier I and Tier II registration. We are looking at a new way for basic Instructor Development registration, but it is not ready yet.
Effective immediately, agencies may go to the Acadis Portal and find registration forms for the aforementioned classes under the Academy Resources/ Webforms tab. Enter the required information and once submitted, this will form a waiting list for future classes. Once a class date is set, the Registrar’s Office will go down the list and enroll students based on submission date. The Registrar’s Office will also look at the number of instructors at an agency in determining enrollment.
Officers entered on the lists must have completed all pre-requisites prior to being added to the list. Do not submit an officer based on projected completion of a pre-requisite. The Registrar’s Office will verify all pre-requisites when enrolling students. Notification of enrollment into a class date will be made at least 30 days prior to the class. If an officer is unavailable for the class, the officer’s name will remain on the list for a future class and the Registrar will continue down the list until the class is at capacity.
No more than two (2) officers from an agency will be enrolled in a single class without approval from the lead instructor. If an agency has more than two (2) officers on a list, the first two (2) submitted will be the ones enrolled in the course.
This new system is available immediately on the Acadis Portal and is the method for enrollment for instructor classes starting January 2024. There will no longer be a class registration date/time as you may use the forms any time an officer is deemed ready for a specific course.
Bryant Orem
Deputy DIrector
Police Officer Standards and Training
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy
Free Elder Abuse Training for Law Enforcement
Over the last ten years, the Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative has worked with experts to develop a wide array of resources, tools, and training to help state and local law enforcement to identify, investigate and address elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. Some of those resources are highlighted below and all of them and others are free and available on the Department’s Elder Justice Website (elderjustice.gov). To the extent you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email the Andy Mao, the Department’s National Elder Justice Coordinator, at andy.mao@usdoj.gov.
The ILEA endorses the training and encourages you to participate. Please use the links to access the training:
Elder Justice Resource Guide for Law Enforcement
LETB Adopts New Statewide Policies on Deadly Force & Minimum Standards For Vehicle Pursuits
On November 7, 2022, the Law Enforcement Training Board (LETB) established two uniform statewide policies in keeping with IC 5-2-1. The first is a Uniform Statewide Policy on Minimum Standards for Vehicle Pursuits which takes effect January 1, 2023. This policy must be added to existing policies no later than January 1, 2023. The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy is developing a training program to explain this policy to law enforcement officers and agencies, which will be available on our website prior to the effective date.
The second policy is a Uniform Statewide Policy on Deadly Force, which takes effect January 1, 2024. This policy must replace any agency’s deadly force policy by the January 1, 2024, date. The delay in adoption of this policy will allow the LETB to develop a robust and detailed training program for law enforcement officers on the objectively reasonable standard for use of force developed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Graham v Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989). At a minimum, this training program will focus on the continuous balancing of the Graham factors that an officer must engage in throughout the use of force, to include proportionality considerations of the force being applied versus the needs of the government, relevant Indiana statutes on use of force and use of deadly force, an officer’s duty to intervene when there is reason to know that excessive force is being applied, and discussion of appropriate methods for effective intervention. This training program will take time to create and perfect. Once it is developed and approved by the LETB, this training program will be made available on our website well in advance of January 1, 2024 for law enforcement officers, as well as for public consumption.
Please find links below explaining the policies and the LETB Resolutions for adoption, as well as the two policies that were established.
The ILEA is in the process of developing a third Uniform Statewide Policy on Defensive Tactics which will be shared once approved by the LETB.
Letter from the Executive Director
Minimum Standards for Vehicle Pursuits
Uniform Statewide Policy on Deadly Force
The Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board approved a minimum state-wide policy for vehicle pursuits on November 7, 2022.
Per LETB resolution 2022-13, below you will find a training program that outlines the details of the policy. The policy can stand alone or be incorporated into your agency's policy, rules, orders etc. This should provide clarity to the policy, which goes into effect January 1, 2023.
Statewide Minimum Standards for Vehicle Pursuits Training Video
Act Now to Protect Against Increased Cyber Risks
In light of the Russian military attack on Ukraine, the global threat of cybersecurity risks also are on the rise, both on the international and local level. The military action already has been accompanied by cyber attacks on the Ukrainian government and critical infrastructure organizations. While there are no specific or credible cyber threats to the U.S. homeland at this time, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is warning organizations of the potential for Russia’s destabilizing actions to impact organizations both within and beyond the region, particularly in the wake of sanctions imposed by the United States and its Allies. Every organization—large and small—must be prepared to respond to disruptive cyber activity CISA has launched a new Shields Up site to provide the latest guidance and information to help organizations increase their resilience to cyber attacks and protect people and property. This robust catalog of free resources will be especially helpful today, as the cybersecurity threats facing the world have increased exponentially.
Together with our partners at CISA, the State of Indiana urges organizations to maintain a heightened sense of awareness and vigilance in preserving and protecting their critical systems/infrastructure.
To report a cyberattack or a cyber-related incident, please be sure to call the State of Indiana Emergency Operations Center (EOC) watch desk at (317) 238-1751. For additional information on reporting an incident, visit the Indiana Cyber Hub website at: www.in.gov/cybersecurity/report-a-cyber-crime/.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please notify the appropriate agency.
Tracy Barnes - Chief Information Officer, Indiana Office of Technology
Stephen Cox - Executive Director, Indiana Department of Homeland Security
Captain Bryan Harper – Commander, Office of Intelligence & Investigative Technology and Director, Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center, Indiana State Police
Chetrice Mosley-Romero, State of Indiana Cybersecurity Program Director
A Message Concerning Town Marshals’ Office Manpower Rules
Date: September 16, 2021
Re: Town Marshals’ Office Manpower Rules
The common question, and its variations, can be easily summed up as follows: how many sworn officers can be hired by a town marshal’s office?
Some think that a town marshal’s office is limited to a total of three (3) officers, all of whom may only be Tier II basic training graduates; some believe that the three (3) officers may be any mix of Tier I and Tier II graduates; and others simply aren’t sure.
The answer lies in Indiana statutes. I.C. §5-2-1-9(i)(3) states that:
“Law enforcement officers successfully completing the requirements of the [town marshal basic training program; now called Tier II] are eligible for appointment only in towns employing the town marshal system (IC 36-5-7) and having not more than one (1) marshal and two (2) deputies.”
Many agencies and officers interpret this provision to limit the total size of a town marshal’s office to only three (3) officers, composed of one (1) town marshal and two (2) deputy marshals, all of whom are limited to Tier II graduates. I certainly understand how intelligent people may reach this conclusion.
However, I.C. §5-2-1-9(i)(3) must be read in conjunction with I.C. §5-2-1-9(i)(4), which states:
“The limitation imposed by subdivision (3) does not apply to an officer who has successfully completed the mandated basic training program.”
What is considered the “mandated basic training program”? This phrase is explained by I.C. §5-2-1-9(d) as the “basic training requirements established by the (Law Enforcement Training Board)” for Tier I training.
What is the “limitation” referenced? Due to the conjunctive term “and”, the limitation is that a Tier II graduate may only work for a town marshal’s office that has employed no more than one (1) marshal and two (2) deputies who are Tier II graduates.
When read together, these two statutes obviously mean that a town marshal’s office may have a Tier II graduate as the town marshal and, at most, two (2) deputy town marshals that are Tier II graduates, but that Tier I graduates may work for a town marshals office and the number of Tier I graduates is not limited to a maximum number of officers.
It is also equally clear that when a town marshal’s office experiences a vacancy for a Tier II officer, that vacancy may be filled by either a Tier I officer or a Tier II officer, so long as the total number of Tier II deputy town marshals does not exceed two (2). The town marshal may be either a Tier I or a Tier II graduate.
To summarize, currently a town marshals office may have one (1) town marshal who is a Tier II graduate and up to two (2) deputy marshals who are Tier II graduates, and may have an unlimited number of Tier I graduates in addition to the Tier II graduates specified. Thus, there is no limitation of the total size of a town marshal’s officer manpower roster, only a limit on the number of Tier II graduates.
Certification of 2020 Handgun Permit Revenue
Pursuant to House Enrolled Act 1001, effective July 1, 2021, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (“ICJI”) is charged with providing funding to city, town, and county law enforcement agencies to conduct law enforcement training, including the purchase of supplies and training materials. Law enforcement agencies may apply for funds in accordance with the policies and procedures established by ICJI.
According to HEA 1001, the total amount appropriated for the law enforcement training grants is $7 million over the 2022-2023 biennium. HEA 1001 also provides that funds distributed by ICJI to a law enforcement agency in a fiscal year may not exceed the amount that the law enforcement agency received from fees collected pursuant to Indiana Code § 35-47-2-3 during calendar year 2020.
In order to determine the maximum award amount that your agency or jurisdiction may qualify for in law enforcement training funds, ICJI requires a certification of the revenue collected pursuant to Indiana Code § 35-47-2-3. Please provide ICJI with a certification of your agency’s handgun permit revenue collected in calendar year 2020 within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter. An agency or jurisdiction may certify its calendar year 2020 revenue collected by visiting www.in.gov/cji and selecting the “Law Enforcement Training” link found on the ICJI homepage. The certifying official will need to complete the required text boxes and upload a letter certifying the amount of funds collected.
If you have any questions related to this request, please contact our office at policetraining@cji.in.gov or by phone at 317-232-1233. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
De-Escalation Training Now Online From ILEA
The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy has released a two-hour training module on "De-Escalation Methods" to FirstForward. This training is presented by Dr. Paul Whitesell, PhD; and offered for free to all Indiana police officers. The Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board has approved the curriculum and officers will receive two hours of training credit after viewing the video and taking the online test.
Log in to FirstForward now to take this training!
ILEA Announces New Prebasic Course!
We have heard your comments, suggestions, and complaints about the prebasic program. The ILEA is excited, therefore, to announce the new and improved prebasic program, a three-year comprehensive project. The goals hopefully achieved through this ‘reimagination’ of prebasic are:
- the substantive areas of prebasic are more practical and usable by new LEOs;
- the program continues to comply with statutory requirements;
- it’s now easier for the Lead Instructor of prebasic to implement (more user friendly);
- rollout of new certificates of completion of prebasic (rather than relying on the prebasic affidavit only);
- more uniform instruction on substantive topics;
- reduced workload on local instructors;
- better record keeping at ILEA; and
- increase in the integrity of the program through use of unique computer generated tests.
As always, ILEA is eager to receive comments regarding this new, and hopefully improved, prebasic.
Click here to set up a Prebasic Course.
Rights of Sexual Assault Victims Brochure and Acknowledgement of Receipt From ICJI
As of July 1, 2020 per Indiana Code 35-40.5, whenever a victim of sexual assault is subject to an interview by a law enforcement officer in relation to injuries, trauma or an investigation resulting from an alleged sexual assault there are certain rights that attach.
Specifically, Indiana Code 35-40.5-5-1 states:
Law enforcement officer’s duty to inform victim of rights. [Effective July 1, 2020]
Before a law enforcement officer commences an interview of a victim, the law enforcement officer shall inform the victim of the following:
(1) The victim’s rights under this article and other relevant law in a document to be developed by the state sexual assault response team, which shall be signed by the victim to confirm receipt, unless the victim has already been provided with the document under IC 35-40.5-4-2.
(2) The victim’s right to speak with a victim advocate or victim service provider during the course of the investigation, and that the victim has the right to speak to victims assistance or a social worker if a victim advocate or victim service provider is not available.
The State SART has developed the documents for you to use for this purpose for sexual assault victims 18 years of age and over. There is a brochure that outlines victims’ rights. This brochure will go home with the victim. There is also a signature page that needs to be filled out to acknowledge the victim’s receipt of this brochure. That page, once completed, is to remain in the law enforcement file.
Before law enforcement interviews a victim of sexual assault, the brochure needs to be given and the signature page needs to be completed. Please begin doing this by July 1, 2020. The only exception is that if the sexual assault victim has already received this brochure from the medical provider who previously conducted a medical forensic exam, then you do not need to also give the brochure.
Translated versions of these forms are in the works and will be distributed to you as soon as we have them. There will also be an updated official State Form coming in the future to replace this signature page. Again, we will forward that as soon as it becomes available.
The victims’ rights brochure and the signature page are available for you to access on ICJI’s website.
If you have questions, please reach out to the State SART Committee by contacting Amy Blackett at ablackett@ipac.in.gov or Devon McDonald at DeMcdonald@cji.IN.gov.
Earn College Credits for ILEA Basic Training!
A number of colleges have partnered with the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy to give college credit for classes completed in the ILEA Basic Course curriculum.
Each college has awarded credit for different classes and the total number of credit hours differs from college to college. Some of these colleges will award the credits without a fee.
An officer wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should contact the registrar at the college of thier choice. Click here to see the list of participating colleges.
In-Service Training for Reserve Officers
The passing of House Bill 1242 mandated the LETB to establish mandatory in-service training programs for reserve officers effective July 1, 2015. The LETB has approved the same requirement as for your paid officers.
Reserve officers will have to obtain a minimum of 24 hours of training annually to include: 2 hours of firearms, 2 hours of emergency vehicle operations, and 2 hours of physical tactics/use of force. The LETB has adopted the following language as a preliminary policy until such time as a new Administrative Rule can be established:
“It is the responsibility of the appointing authority to verify the training was presented under the provisions established by 250 IAC 2-7-1. These verification records are to be retained by the appointing authority for inspection by the Board, its executive director, or an authorized representative.”
FirstForward Now Providing Free ILEA Online Training
You can find NEW online training from ILEA at:
ALL of the online training from ILEA is free to any Indiana Law Enforcement Officer on FirstForward. Creating an account on FirstForward is also free for Individuals and Departments. Department Training coordinators can be granted Organizational Admin rights with the ability to assign and track training of members of your department. Here is what is really cool; any completed training can easily be submitted to ACADIS with a few clicks.
Individuals can go to www.firstforward.com to sign up for your free membership on their own or they can be invited by the Organizational Admin.
Department Training Coordinators and Department Heads can setup your Department account and assign an Administrator by contacting FirstForward at (812) 330-7101 or email: help@firstforward.com
Secured Communications Grants Now Available
Motivated by recent events, within the Law Enforcement community, Secured Solutions, LLC is offering a private grant program that awards agencies cost-free, no obligation, no limit to the number of licenses and full usage for a full year of their secured communications application. Secured Communications protects all non-radio communication by and between dispatch, officers, investigators and supervisors from eavesdropping that could significantly affect officer safety. The system also protects public safety and/or investigative integrity. And more importantly, Secured Communications expands and simplifies inter-agency communication and mobile connectivity for multi-agency incident responses, major investigations, inter-agency information sharing and terrorist incident/disaster recovery response situations. Please contact Lonny Wilder - lwilder@SecuredCommunications.com or call (972) 746-1559 for more details and/or if you would like to see the 30-minute demo. This is time sensitive as funding is predicated on a first come basis.
ILEAA Commemorative Brick Project
The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Associates (ILEAA) recently announced its Commemorative Brick Project which will recognize donors and officers, past and present, in the law enforcement services. A portion of the brick sales will then be dedicated to helping support Academy training functions and purchasing Academy equipment.
These bricks will be sold for $50.00 and will be engraved with these names and displayed by the front entrance of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. For more information contact Darlene Heald at dheald@gmail.com.
ILEA Sportswear Now Available!
Exclusive ILEA sportswear is now available though Paragon Resources, Inc..
Check out their on-line store HERE!
Instructor Identification Numbers
In order for in-service students to ensure that the training they receive is from a certified LETB instructor, the instructor identification number has been modified to reflect both the instructor’s expiration date and in what areas the instructor is certified to teach.
New instructor cards coming from the Academy will reflect this new ID number, and current instructors are asked to add the prefix and suffix to their present numbers when signing training rosters or producing training certificates. This new system is effective immediately.
Click here to read the Executive Order for all of the details.
Mandated In-Service Training
Information on all Mandated In-Service Training can now be found HERE.
ILEA Physical Fitness Standards Testing Protocol Video Now On-Line!
A new video demonstrating proper technique and typical protocol violations that occur during testing is now ready for viewing on-line. This video, which is presented by the ILEA's Lt. Steve Guthrie, is recommended to all students prior to training for the fitness test. Click here to find the video on our Physical Fitness Standards page.
Important Message About ILEA Course Payments!
The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy cannot accept payment prior to the start of a class. Payment is due when your officer(s) checks in on the first day of training. Our business section can invoice your department or payment can be made by check, money order, cash or purchase order.
(Click here to download the Human Trafficking Guidebook & related materials!)
Annual Reporting of In-Service Training Due by January 31!
The Annual Reporting of 24 hours of In-Service Training for the previous calendar year is due by January 31 of each year.
IC 5-2-1-9(g) requires an Indiana law enforcement officer to satisfactorily complete a minimum of 24 hours of in-service training each year in order to be eligible for continued employment as a law enforcement officer.
LETB Guidelines for E-Training
The Law Enforcement Training Board (LETB) has established guidelines for allowing training presented primarily through electronic means to be counted for the annual 24 hour continuing education requirement for certified officers.
The responsibility for determining what type of training and the quality of the training falls to the department training officer and chief executive officer as it always has with the more conventional modes of training.
The LETB has established the following guidelines:
- The terms e-learning or e-training mean that the majority of a class is presented through an electronic means, e.g., streaming video, podcasts, CD or DVD, other computer-based or similar modes, or via television.
- The department training officer approves e-training, with the concurrence of the agency head, concerning the subject matter.
- The training officer determines if the class is of sufficient quality to meet the annual training requirements for Indiana police officers. In making this determination, the training officer could use the following criteria as well as others:
- specifically evaluate the content of the program to be employed.
- require learning or performance objectives be supplied by the provider.
- require or create an examination of student performance based on those learning goals.
- A training officer must then be satisfied that appropriate learning has occurred and may use the following approaches (or others as applicable) to make this determination:
- the training officer personally observes the student-officer taking the class at the training site.
- the training officer tests or otherwise examines the student-officer or has the officer demonstrate the skills that were to be taught.
- a post-test is given establishing that a minimum of 75% of the training objectives have been learned.
- a pre- and post-test are administered showing significant improvement of knowledge or skills for that particular subject.
- the training should be reported using the training officer's PSID number that conducted the program.
Indiana Certifies Crime Scene Investigators
The Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board has approved the certification of crime scene investigators. The forensic methods employed by the scientific community, the high standards demanded by the courts and the public's increased expectation for the identification, collection, and preservation of physical evidence has focused the need to hold the crime scene investigator to a higher standard.
The crime scene certification process, approved by the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board, was a cooperative effort between the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, the Indiana State Police Laboratory Division and its quality assurance program and representatives of agencies from across Indiana. While voluntary and cost free, the certification establishes a minimum standard of training and experience in order to become certified.
If interested, contact Lt. Brent Stoelting at 317-837-3283 or e-mail BStoelting@ilea.in.gov
or click here for more info.
ILEA Cancellation Policy Now In Effect
If your department needs to cancel a student from an ILEA in-service class, it must be done no later than five (5) working days prior to the start of the class. If a student does not show up or cancellation is made any closer to the start of a class your agency will be responsible for payment in full of this class.