87 Indiana Communities are Broadband Ready Certified
62 Indiana Communities Have a Broadband Task Force
Broadband Ready Communities and Task Force Contact Information
Taskforce / BBRC | City, Town or County | Contact | Title | Phone | |
Taskforce | Allen County | Robin Minniear | Administrative Assistant Allen County Commissioners | Robin.Minniear@co.allen.in.us | 260.449.7555 |
BBRC | City of New Haven | Rob Gutierrez | Planning Director, Coordinator, Development Services | rgutierrez@newhaven.in.gov | 260.748.7040 |
Taskforce | Bartholomew County | Tony London | Bartholomew County Commissioner | eventshirts@mac.com | 812-350-5814 |
Both | Benton County | Angie Taylor | Benton County Economic Development Director | ataylor@bentoncounty.in.gov | 765.884.2080 |
Both | Blackford County | Warren Brown | Executive Director: Blackford County Economic Development Corporation | warren@blackfordindiana.com | 765.278.7345 |
BBRC | Town of Zionsville | Wayne DeLong | Planning and Economic Development - Director | wdelong@zionsville-in.gov | 317.873.5108 |
Both | Brown County | Ric Fox | IT Director | foxra@browncounty-in.us | 812.988.5456 |
BBRC | Town of Nashville | Ric Fox | IT Director | foxra@browncounty-in.us | 812.988.5457 |
Both | Carroll County | Jacob Adams | Carroll County Economic Development Corporation - Executive Director | jadams@carrollcountyedc.com | 765.432.4224 |
Both | Cass County | Arin Shaver | Logansport/Cass County Planning DepartmentExecutive Director | arin.shaver@co.cass.in.us | 574.753.7775 |
BBRC | City of Brazil | Janet McClellan | Planning and Zoning Administrator | janetm@brazil.in.gov | 812-446-0050 |
Both | Clinton County | Shan Sheridan | Clinton County Chamber of Commerce - Executive Director | shan@ccinchamber.org | 765.654.5507 |
Both | Crawford County | Jesse I. Belcher | Executive Director, Crawford EDC | jesse@selectcrawfordcounty.com | 812.827.9122 |
BBRC | Town of English | Michael Thissen | CCEDP & President C of C - Executive Director | Michael@selectcrawfordcounty.com | 812.739.4479 |
Taskforce | Daviess County | Bryant Niehoff | Executive Director of DCEDC | bniehoff@developdaviess.com | phone: (812) 254-1500, mobile: (812) 259-2177 |
BBRC | Dearborn County | One Dearborn | Economic Development | mperleberg@1dearborn.org | 513.256.1843 |
BBRC | Town of Moores Hill | One Dearborn | Economic Development | mperleberg@1dearborn.org | 513.256.1843 |
BBRC | Town Of Dillsboro | One Dearborn | Economic Development | mperleberg@1dearborn.org | 513.256.1843 |
BBRC | City of Greensburg | Bryan Robbins | Director of EDCGDC | Director@edcgdc.com | 812.222.2520 |
Both | Decatur County | Krista Duvall | Area Plan Director | areaplandirector@decaturcounty.in.gov | 812.663.8451 |
Both | DeKalb County | Anton King | Executive Director | anton@dekalbedp.org | 260.927.1180 |
BBRC | City of Muncie | Traci Lutton | Economic Development - Vice President | Traci Lutton <tlutton@muncie.com> | 765.212.5166 |
Taskforce | Dubios County | Jeff Warren | G.I.S. Technician City of Jasper | Jeffawarren@aol.com | 765.414.0331 |
Both | Fayette County | Dan Parker | Fayette County Industrial Development Corporation - Executive Director | dparker@edgconnersville.com | 765.698.6250 |
Both | Floyd County | Justin Tackett, AICP | Floyd County Building & Development Services Director | jtackett@floydcounty.in.gov | 812.948.549 |
Taskforce | Fountain County | Brent Bauerband | Fountain County WHIN Liaison | bauerbandbrent@gmail.com | 630.418.3990 |
Both | Fulton County | Christina Siver | County Auditor | auditor@co.fulton.in.us | 574.223.2912 |
Both | Gibson County | Tami Muckerheide | Gibson County Economic Development Corporation - VP | tamimuckerheide@gibsoncountyedc.org | 812.386.0002 |
Both | Greene County | Brianne Jerrels | Greene County Economic Development - Executive Director | brianne@insidegreenecounty.com | 812.798.9102 |
Taskforce | Hamilton County | Mike Thibideau | Workforce Strategy Invest Hamilton County - VP | mthibideau@investhamiltoncounty.com | 317.341.3522 |
Both | Harrison County | Lisa Long | Chamber of Commerce of Harrison County - President | llong@harrisonchamber.org | 812.738.0120 |
BBRC | Town of Knightstown | Ben Bowling | Knightstown Building Inspector | bowling765@yahoo.com | 765.606.1348 |
Both | Henry County | Tom Green | Zoning Administrator | tgreen@henrycounty.in.gov | 765-529-7408 |
BBRC | Howard County | Pamela Isaac | Projects Manager | pam.isaac@howardcountyin.gov | 765.456.2052 |
Both | Huntington County | Mark Wickersham | Executive Director of the Huntington County EDC | mark@hcued.com | 260.356.5688 |
Both | Jackson County | Connor Barnette | Jackson County Building Inspector | cbarnette@jacksoncounty.in.gov | 812.358.6109 |
Both | Jasper County | Stephen Eastridge | Jasper County Economic Development Organization - Executive Director | stephen@jaspercountyin.com | 219.866.3080 |
BBRC | Jefferson County | Erica Cline | Jefferson County Historian | erica.cline@jeffersoncounty.in.gov | 812.274.3839 |
BBRC | Jennings County | Jerry Shepherd | Director, Jennings County EMA | jshepherdema@jenningscounty-in.gov | 812-346-1691 |
BBRC | City of North Vernon | Jerry Shepherd | Director, Jennings County EMA | jshepherdema@jenningscounty-in.gov | 812-346-1691 |
BBRC | Town of Vernon | Jerry Shepherd | Director, Jennings County EMA | jshepherdema@jenningscounty-in.gov | 812-346-1691 |
BBRC | City of Vincennes | John Sprague | City Engineer | jsprague@vincennes.org | 812.882.4357 |
BBRC | Knox County | Benjki Boyd | Knox County Highway Superintendant | bboyd@kchd.us | 812.885.2502 |
Taskforce | Knox County | Chris Pfaff | Knox County Development Corporation | chrispfaff@kcdc.com | 812.886.6993 |
Both | Kosciusko County | Matthew M Sandy | Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission Director | bholder@kcgov.com | 574.372.2304 |
BBRC | Town of Etna Green | Susan Klinefelter | Town Council | jklinefelter333@yahoo.com | 574.858.2708 |
BBRC | La Porte County | Mike Polan | Building Commissioner | mpolan@laporteco.in.gov | 219.326.6808×2221 |
Taskforce | La Porte County | Matt Reardon | Redevelopment Commission Director | matt.reardon@mcrpartnersltd.com | 219.741.9511 |
BBRC | Town of Merrillville | Patrick Reardon | Town Manager | preardon@merrillville.in.gov | 219.769.5711 |
Taskforce | City of Gary | Lloyd L. Keith | Chief Innovation Officer, Innovation and Technology | 219.805.5064 | |
Both | City of Gary | Lloyd Keith | Chief Innovation Officer | lkeith@gary.gov | 219-314-0455 |
BBRC | City of Bedford | Brandon Woodward | City of Bedford - Planning/ Zoning Director | bwoodward@bedford.in.us | 812.275.1631 |
BBRC | City of MItchell | Mark Bryant | City of Mitchell - Clerk/Treasurer | clerk@mitchell-in.gov | 812.849.3831 |
Both | Marshall County | Kim Hein | Town of Culver - Clerk Treasurer | kheim@townofculver.org | 574.842.3140 |
Both | Martin County | Angie Risacher | Martin County Alliance | angie.risacher@martinalliance.org | 812.295.4800 |
Taskforce | Miami County | Jim Tidd | Executive Director, Miami County EDA | jtidd@miamicountyeda.com | 765.689.0159 |
Both | Montgomery County | Tom Klein | Montgomery County County Administrator | tom.klein@montgomerycounty.in.gov | 765.361.2623 |
BBRC | Town of Ladoga | Mike Hubble | Council President | mhubble219@sbcglobal.net, townofladogain.sbcglobal.net | 765.427.4670 |
BBRC | Newton County | Tim Myers | NCEDC Director | ncedc@newtoncounty.in.gov | 219.869.0951 |
Both | Noble County | Gary Gatman | Noble County EDC - Executive Director | gary@noblecountyedc.com | 260.636.3800 |
BBRC | Ohio County | Michael Taylor | mataylor387@gmail.com | 513.560.0032 | |
BBRC | City of Rising Sun | Michael Northcutt | City Project Manager | mike.northcutt@rocketmail.com | 812.290.3530 |
BBRC | Owen County | Marce King | Owen County Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development - Executive Director | marce@myowencountychamber.com | 812.829.3245 |
Both | Town of Spencer | Marce King | Owen County Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development - Executive Director | marce@myowencountychamber.com | 812.829.3245 |
Both | Parke County | Cyndi Todd | Parke County Redevelopment Director | partnershipctodd@gmail.com | 765.569.0226 |
BBRC | City of Cannelton | Mary Snyder | Mayor | maryysnyder@yahoo.com | 812.857.8294 |
Both | Pike County | Ashley Polen Willis | Pike County Economic Development Corporation | pikegrowth@pikeco.org | 812.354.2271 |
Both | Porter County | Robert Thompson | Director, Development | rthompson@porterco.org | 219.465.3540 |
Both | Posey County | Jenna Richardt | Posey County Economic Development Partnership - Executive Director | jenna.richardt@pcedp.com | 812.838.6500 |
Both | Pulaski County | Nathan Origer | Pulaski County Community Development Commission - Executive Director | nporiger@pulaskionline.org | 574.946.3869 |
Both | Putnam County | Kristin Clary | Executive Director, Greencastle/Putnam County Development Center | kristin@gcpcdc.com | 765.653.2474 |
BBRC | Randolph County | Gary Girton | County Commissioner | lynnview@rcwifi.com | 765.994.5338 |
Both | Randolph County | Ceann Bales | Randolph Community & Economic Development Corporation - Executive Director | ceannbalesrandolpheconomic@gmail.com | 765.967.4430 |
Both | Randolph County | Jackie Shannon | Randolph County United | jackie.shannon@randolphcountyunited.com | O: 765-584-3266 |
Both | Rush County | Carole Yeend | Rush County Connect Broadband Taskforce - Co chair | broadbandconnect@rushcounty.in.gov | 317.407.3221 |
Taskforce | Scott County | Terry Amick | Mayor of Scotsburg | 812.752.4343 | |
Taskforce | Shelby County | Linda Sanders | Vice President, Shelby County Council | lindas@wesslerengineering.com | 317.753.4319 |
BBRC | Town of Dale | Cindy Morrison | Town of Dale Clerk - Treasurer | daleclerktreas@psci.net | 812.937.2086 |
BBRC | Town of Richland City | Dan Kincaid | Town Council - President | dkincaid@kincaidins.com | 812.649.5739 |
Taskforce | Spencer County | Gene Steinkamp | Resident - Volunteer | gene.steinkamp@gmail.com | 812.549.7524 |
BBRC | Town of Santa Claus | Kelly Greulich | Clerk - Treasurer | santaclaus@psci.net | 812.937.2551 |
Both | City of South Bend | Madi Rogers | Director of Civic Innovation | mrogers@southbendin.gov | 574-245-6202 |
BBRC | Starke County | Pamela Starky | Starke County Plan Commission Secretary | plancomm75@co.starke.in.us | 574.772.9133 |
Taskforce | Starke County | Brenda Palmer | Starke County Chamber of Commerce. | info@starkecountychamber.com | 574.772.5548 |
Both | Steuben County | Isaac Lee | Steuben County Economic Development Corporation | Isaac@steubenedc.com | 260.243.0657 |
Both | Switzerland County | Sarah Brichto | Workforce Education/Grant Development Director for Switzerland County Joint Initiative | sbrichto@gmail.com | 812.525.1188 |
Taskforce | Tippecanoe County | Paul Moses | Vice President, Economic and Workforce Development: Greater Lafayette Commerce | pmoses@greaterlafayettecommerce.com | 765.742.4044 |
Taskforce | Tipton County | Harry Diamond | Tipton County Economic Development Foundation | hdiamond.tiptoncounty.in@gmail.com | 317.506.6233 |
BBRC | Tipton County | Brett Morris | Highway Superintendant | bmorris@tiptoncounty.in.gov | 765.675.4508 |
BBRC | Union County | Jeffrey Mathews | tech@uconline.com | 765.458.5044 | |
Both | Vanderburg County | Abby Elpers | Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville - Marketing Communications Manager | abby@growthallianceevv.com | 812.386.0002 |
BBRC | Vermillion County | Tim Wilson | County Commissioners - President | tjwilson56@yahoo.com | 812.208.1919 |
BBRC | City of Wabash | Scott Long | Mayor | mayor@cityofwabash.com | 260.563.4171 |
Both | Warren County | Ben Dispennett | Warren County Local Economic Development Organization - Executive Director | ledo@warrenadvantage.com | 765.762.6055 |
BBRC | City of Boonville | Steve Roelle | Economic Development - Executive Director | Steve.Roelle@WarrickCounty.gov | 812.858.3555 |
Both | Wayne County | Steve Higinbotham | Director of Facilities & Developmenmt | steveh@co.wayne.in.us | 765.973.9297 |
Taskforce | Wells County | Chad Klein | LEDO | ckline@wellsedc.com | 260.824.0510 |
Both | White County | Debbie Conover | Operations Manager | dconover@whiced.com | 574.583.6557 |
BBRC | Town of Churubusco | Kennedy St. George | Director of Marketing | kstgeorge@whitleyedc.com | 260.244.5506 |
BBRC | Town of Larwill | Kennedy St. George | Director of Marketing | kstgeorge@whitleyedc.com | 260.244.5506 |
BBRC | Town of South Whitley | Kennedy St. George | Director of Marketing | kstgeorge@whitleyedc.com | 260.244.5506 |
BBRC | Whitley County | Kennedy St. George | Director of Marketing | kstgeorge@whitleyedc.com | 260.244.5506 |
Contact Us
If you are aware of a community that has a leadership group not shown on the map, or if you would like more information about what procedures these communities followed, email us at IndianaBroadband@iot.IN.gov