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Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is a federal program that provides $42 billion nationwide to expand high-speed broadband access. BEAD was funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and is overseen by the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). BEAD prioritizes unserved locations that have no internet access or limited access under 25/3 Mbps and underserved locations that only have access under 100/20 Mbps.

Indiana was awarded $868 million in BEAD funds to ensure that every Indiana resident has access to high-speed, reliable, affordable broadband access.

The Indiana Broadband Office is planning and currently determining exactly how BEAD funds will be spent in the state. The first step towards this planning is the drafting and submission of the Initial Proposal, a document that contains two volumes and describes how the Indiana Broadband Office will determine which addresses, called broadband serviceable locations (BSLs), in Indiana are eligible for these funds and how funds will be allocated and awarded to Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Each volume of the Initial Proposal will be posted online for a 30-day public comment period.

IBO Listening Sessions

Open to the public - we want your input!

The Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) is hosting a series of public listening sessions across the state, and we want to hear from you!

Register here!

These sessions are an opportunity to:

  • Get the latest updates on Indiana’s broadband expansion efforts
  • Learn about the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Opportunity (DO) programs and what they mean for your community
  • Ask questions and share your feedback directly with state broadband officials

The updated scheduled sessions are as follows:

new table

Your Voice Matters

Broadband access affects everything from education and healthcare to economic growth and community development. As Indiana moves forward with historic broadband funding, the IBO is eager to get information out to communities. These events are open to everyone—residents, business owners, community leaders, educators, farmers, and anyone interested in broadband improvements

Whether you’re facing challenges with internet access or just want to stay informed, we encourage you to attend!

Find a listening session near you and join the conversation!

Find a sample of our presentation here!

Follow the QR Code below or please click here to register!

QR code for Listening sessions

BEAD Challenge Phase

The Indiana BEAD Challenge Phase began on March 4, 2024, and ended on April 17, 2024. All the challenges will be reviewed by May 1st and the Rebuttal Phase begins May 2nd. You can access all the Indiana BEAD Challenge Phase resources on the Challenge Phase page.

Learn More

BEAD Rebuttal Phase

The Rebuttal Phase begins May 2nd, and will close June 1, 2024. During the Rebuttal Phase, permissible challengers can provide rebuttal evidence against challenges that were submitted during the Challenge Phase and an opportunity for permissible challengers to correct any changes they believer were made in error or are incorrect.

Learn More

IBO BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2

BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2

The Indiana Broadband Office’s Initial Proposal Volume 2 was available for public comment until December 3, 2023. NTIA has approved Indiana's Volume 2 as of July 2024.

The Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) has an updated version of Indiana’s Initial Proposal Volume 2 for the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. This updated version includes amendments submitted to the NTIA that provide additional guidance on the Subgrantee Selection Process, as well as clarifying language based on guidance released by NTIA after Indiana's Volume 2 approval. To ensure transparency, all revisions have been highlighted in yellow.

This document adheres to NTIA guidelines, which are available for review here.

Download Initial Proposal Vol 2

We want to hear your questions and comments!

The Indiana Broadband Office’s public comment period for the Initial Proposal has concluded, but your questions can still be answered. We encourage Indiana residents, community organizations, businesses, local units of government, and other groups to review the Initial Proposal and email with any questions.

BEAD IPv1 cover

Initial Proposal Volume 1

Initial Proposal Volume 1 is available to download. It has been approved by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

This document adheres to NTIA guidelines, which are available for review here.

Download Volume 1

BEAD Local Government Letter of Support

Local government officials can participate in the subgrantee selection process by writing letters of support for internet service providers that will be submitted with their project applications. This document provides important information about the letter of support for local governments.

Download the Letter

Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration offers several resources for internet service providers to access. They are found at the below links.

Local Assistance

Funding Programs

Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS)


Indiana Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General was created in 2005 and is statutorily charged with addressing fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement and wrongdoing in government including the BEAD program.

BEAD Five-Year Plan

IBO has submitted the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Five-Year Plan plan to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to show how the state of Indiana can best incorporate digital equity into broadband planning.

Download the Plan