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BEAD Pre-Qualification Resources

The IBO has posted the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program pre-qualification guidance document here. This is the first step in the subgrantee selection process.

This document is meant to provide applicants with a clear understanding of Indiana's BEAD pre-qualification process and what documentation they need to prepare. This guide outlines procedures, requirements, and necessary steps, as outlined in Indiana's updated version of the  Initial Proposal Volume II. This guide may change with new guidance from NTIA or as the IBO receives questions from prospective applicants. Any changes made to this guide will be clearly documented in version history and communicated with prospective applicants.

Please note that, as described in Indiana's Initial Proposal Volume II, participating in the pre-qualification process does not bind any internet service provider to submit a project area proposal. However, all applicants who are considering participation or intend to submit a proposal must participate in pre-qualification. There will only be one pre-qualification round, so prospective applicants must participate, even if they only intend to apply for BEAD funds in later rounds of subgrantee selection.

The IBO opened the pre-qualification approximately 30 days after the initial posting of pre-qualification guidance, on August 26, 2024. Prospective applicants will have at least 30 days after pre-qualification round begins to submit their materials.


Approved BEAD Applicants (2/26/2025)

    AMG Technology
    Brightspeed (Connect Holding II LLC)
    Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC (dba "altafiber")
    Citizens Telephone Corporation
    City of Auburn DBA Auburn Essential Services
    Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative, D.B.A Endeavor Communications
    Community Wireless of Charlestown
    Daviess-Martin County Rural Telephone Corporation
    Decatur County REMC
    Effective Systems Fiber Network D/B/A JCfiber
    Frontier North, Inc.
    Heartland REMC
    Hoosier Networks LLC
    IBT Group USA, LLC
    Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Indiana
    Jackson County REMC
    LigTel Communications, Inc.
    Mainstream Fiber Networks, LLC
    Mediacom LLC
    Mercury Wireless Indiana, LLC
    MetaLINK Technologies
    Miami Cass REMC
    Miles Communications LLC d/b/a Great Plains Communications
    Mulberry Cooperative Telephone Company, Inc.
    New Paris Telephone, Inc
    NineStar Connect
    On-Ramp Indiana, Inc.
    Orange County REMC
    Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative
    Pavlov Media
    Perry Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative DBA/PSC Fiber
    RTC Communications Corp
    South Central Indiana REMC
    Southeastern Indiana REMC
    Southeastern Indiana Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
    Spectrum Mid-America, LLC
    Space Exploration Technologies Corp
    Strategic Management, LLC
    Surf Internet
    Swayzee Telephone Company, Inc.
    Transworld Network, LLC
    Wabash Mutual Telephone Company
    WiSpan Internet LLC
    Wisper ISP, LLC
    Xiber, LLC
Open 31 days from August 26th – September 27th (11:59 pm)

Pre-Qualification Document


Frequently Asked Questions


Pre-Qualification Webinars

The IBO hosted two webinars for BEAD pre-qualification questions. There will also be 1:1 meetings available to interested internet service providers. If you sign up for a time slot, please come prepared with questions.

The webinar slide deck is available here. The recording of the first webinar can be found here.