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BEAD Subgrantee Selection

BEAD Subgrantee Selection

Guidance Document and Timeline

The IBO has posted the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program Round 1 Subgrantee Selection Guidance Document.

The guidance document is designed to provide applicants with a clear understanding of Indiana’s subgrantee selection process. It outlines procedures, requirements, and necessary steps as mentioned in the state’s application Initial Proposal Volume II. This guide is subject to change per new updates from NTIA or as the IBO receives questions. Any changes will be clearly communicated in version history and disseminated to prospective applicants.

The IBO will host up to three rounds of subgrantee selection. Additional rounds and subsequent guidance will be communicated to pre-qualified Internet Service Providers closer to their happening.

The IBO will open Round 1 of Subgrantee Selection for 45 days beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Monday December 30th, 2024. Applications will close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday February 12th, 2025.

Subgrantee Selection Guidance Document

Round 1 will be open for 45 days from December 30th, 2024 – February 12th, 2025 (11:59 pm) (The application portal can be found here.)

Subgrantee Selection Overview

A supplemental overview document has been prepared to provide a summary of subgrantee selection guidelines. It can be accessed below.

Subgrantee Selection Overview Document

Eligible Address List

The IBO received NTIA approval for Indiana's list of BEAD-eligible addresses. It serves as the foundation for identifying locations eligible for broadband funding during subgrantee selection.

Address List

Webinar and Slide Decks

The IBO hosted two webinars provide an overview of the subgrantee selection application process. The slides from the webinars and the recording from the first one are available below.

Webinar Slides

Webinar Replay

FAQ Document

The IBO prepared an FAQ document for subgrantee selection. It covers questions that were asked through emails and during the webinars.

FAQ Document

Local Government Letters of Support

Local government officials can participate in the subgrantee selection process by writing letters of support for internet service providers that will be submitted with their project applications. Below is a document that provides information about letters of support from local governments.

Letters of Support Guidance

Post-Challenge Process Location Status Guidance

New guidance has been released by the IBO on post challenge process location status. It includes key information on processes for addressing location status changes, evidence requirements, and compliance with program goals.

Post-Challenge Process Location Status Guidance

Alternative Technology Guidance

Additional guidance has been drafted to outline the IBO's process for accepting and evaluating Alternative Technology (alt-tech) applications during Subgrantee Selection.

Alternative Technology Guidance

Supplemental Resources

The IBO has made some additional resources available for ISPs submitting BEAD applications during Subgrantee Selection including a model letter of credit and a one pager detailing instructions on 20% ineligible locations in a project area.

Model Letter of Credit

20% Ineligible Locations One Pager

CostQuest License Instructions