Pregnancy Care Coordination
We are here to help guide you to care for a healthy, happy baby!
Pregnant women have an opportunity to meet with the Pregnancy Care Coordinator by appointment at Kosciusko County Health Department Clinical Services site: 1515 Provident Dr Suite 160 Warsaw IN.
Receive help in the following areas:
- Pregnancy Testing and Confirmation
- Prenatal Vitamins
- Education on Pregnancy
- Referrals to Physicians
- Referrals to agencies for support of your pregnancy
- Assistance and referrals for the Medicaid or health insurance process
Once income eligibility is determined an appointment is made to the Early Start Prenatal Clinic, where your initial obstetric appointment is completed. This one time only appointment is free and includes:
- Past and current health screening
- Prenatal blood work drawn
- Urinalysis
- Assessment of fetal heart rate through gestational ultrasound
- Appointments made with Physician of your choice
For an appointment or questions call 574-372-3519 Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm