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Harm Reduction

Education & Resources

The Marshall County Health Department is committed to reducing the harm caused by substance use, unsafe disposal of medications and needles, and vaping. Through various initiatives and partnerships, we aim to provide life-saving resources, education, and prevention programs to keep our community safe.


A Critical Life-Saving Resource

Naloxone, commonly known by the brand name Narcan®, is a medication that can reverse opioid overdoses and save lives. The Marshall County Health Department has made it a priority to make Naloxone available to everyone in our community at no cost. We believe in ensuring that no one has to face the devastating consequences of an opioid overdose. Through partnerships with local organizations and agencies, we have strategically placed Naloxone boxes at various locations throughout the county. Please see the map below for locations where you can find Naloxone boxes.

opioid rescue box outside Marshall County Health Department building

Sharp Disposal Container with Needle

Medication and Needle Disposal

Protecting Our Community

Proper disposal of unused or expired medications is vital for the safety of our community, particularly for children, teens, and young adults. Improper disposal of medications can lead to accidental poisoning, misuse, or abuse, especially when medications are left in easily accessible locations. Children and teens may unknowingly take medications or use them to experiment, putting their health at risk. Additionally, the improper disposal of medications—such as flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—can contaminate our water supply and harm the environment. The Marshall County Health Department encourages everyone to use the medication disposal drop boxes at designated locations throughout the county.

Needles and other sharp objects should never be disposed of in regular trash, as they pose serious risks to sanitation workers and the general public. Proper disposal in designated sharps containers is essential for reducing the risk of needle-stick injuries, preventing the spread of diseases, and keeping our community safe. Sharps containers can be brought to the Marshall County Health Department for safe needle disposal.

Locations for Naloxone & Medication Disposal

To ensure that the community has easy access to these vital resources, Naloxone boxes and medication disposal drop boxes are available at several locations throughout Marshall County. These locations are:

  1. Marshall County Health Department – 510 West Adams Street #30, Plymouth, IN 46563 (Naloxone Box & Sharps Collection)
  2. Bowen Center – 401 West Jefferson Street, Plymouth, IN 46563 (Naloxone Box)
  3. Economy Inn – 2535 N Michigan Street, Plymouth, IN 46563 (Naloxone Box)
  4. Marshall County Sheriff’s Department – 1400 Pioneer Drive, Plymouth, IN 46563 (Naloxone Box & Medication Disposal Drop-Box)
  5. Beacon Community Hospital of Bremen – 1020 High Road, Bremen, IN (Medication Disposal Drop-Box)
  6. Claypool Police Department – 408 South Graceland Ave., Claypool, IN (Medication Disposal Drop-Box)

Supporting Recovery & Prevention in Marshall County

Marshall County is dedicated to harm reduction efforts that support community health, recovery, and education. From overdose prevention and peer recovery programs to youth vaping education and parental awareness initiatives, there are many resources available. Click on the sections below to learn more about each program and how they are making a difference in our community.