General - FAQs
Food and Consumer Safety - Animal Bites - FAQs
Food and Consumer Safety - Tattoo/Body Piercings - FAQs
Septic and Wastewater - FAQs
Vital Records - FAQs
- What are the hours that Vital Records is open?
- What are the hours that Vital Records is open?
- I was born in Noble County, where do I go to obtain a birth certificate?
- What is the cost of a birth certificate?
- My name is spelled wrong or my birth date is wrong on my birth certificate. What can I do about it?
- I was born in another state, but my adoption took place in Noble County, so why don't you have my birth record?
- All of my identification was lost/stolen/destroyed and I need to get a birth certificate to establish identity. Yet, I am required to present proof of who I am in order to obtain my birth certificate. How can I prove to you who I am?
- I am in a hurry to get my birth certificate and I live out of the city/state. How can I get my certificate quickly?
- I was born in another state but I have lived in Noble County all my life. Why can't you issue my birth certificate?
- What is the cost of a death certificate?
- If a person has lived all their life in Noble County and is buried in a Noble County cemetery but died in another county/state, why don't you have the death certificate?
- How much is genealogy research?
- What should I include on my request for genealogy?
- What about birth records for genealogy?