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Health Clinic

Office Hours

8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday

2090 N. SR-9, Albion, IN 46701

Call for an appointment: 260-636-2978 x 1

Schedule an appointment online: Online patient portal

Contact Information
Public Health Nurse

Carrie Ryan, LPN
Telephone: 260-636-2978 x 3

Fax: 260-636-3753

Administrative Assistant & Billing

Courtney Pyle
Telephone: 260-636-2978 x 1

Fax: 260-636-3753

Vaccine Coordinator and Lead Case Manager

Samantha Rodriguez, CMA
Telephone: 260-636-2978 x 2

Fax: 260-636-3753

School Health Liaison

Molly Jensen, RN, BSN
Telephone: 260-242-2220

Fax: 260-636-3753

Health First Indiana (HFI) Coordinator

Melayna Gingerich, CHES
Telephone: 260-636-3029

Fax: 260-636-3753

Immunization Information

The health clinic provides all recommended immunizations for children (birth through 18 years of age or until graduation from high school), select adult immunizations, and most travel immunizations.

Did you know that you can view and print your immunization records from home? Please call the clinic to obtain your special PIN number and then visit All immunizations that have been entered into CHIRP, our state database, will be there for you to view.

Please note: Due to laws being enforced by the state of Indiana, as of January 1, 2012, the Health Department is no longer able to provide free immunizations to children who have private insurance that will cover the cost of immunizations. If you have private insurance for your children that will cover the cost of immunizations, please contact the health department to see if we are able to bill your insurance company. If your insurance company isn't one we can bill at this time, you will need to get your child's immunizations at your physician's office. The clinic continues to provide immunizations for all children who are on Medicaid, who have insurance that will not cover the cost of immunizations, and those who do not have any insurance. If your child is uninsured or has an insurance policy that does not cover the cost of vaccines, a $15.00 administration fee will be charged for each immunization given.

TB Skin Testing

TB skin tests are placed on Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment only. Skin tests must be read 48 - 72 hours after they are placed. TB skin tests are $20.00 per test.

Helpful Links

Center for Disease Control

Vaccinate Indiana

Immunization Action Coalition

American Academy of Pediatrics


Vaccine Fees:

Age 0-18 with Medicaid: Billed to Medicaid at no cost to the patient
Age 0-18 with no health insurance or insurance does not cover vaccines: Vaccines are free to the patient with a $15 administration fee per injection (payment not required for vaccine administration)
Age 0-18 with private health insurance: Able to bill most insurances at no cost to the patient (call 260-636-2978 x 1 for more information)
Adult with no health insurance or insurance does not cover vaccines: Limited number of free vaccines available with a $15 administration fee per injection (payment not required for vaccination).  Please call 260-636-2978 x 1 for the availability of free vaccines and the price of payable vaccines.
Adult with private health insurance: Able to bill most insurances at no cost to the patient (call 260-636-2978 x 1 for more information)

Record Fees:

Immunization Record: $2.00

TB Test Fees:

$20.00 at the time of the TB skin test placement

Cash and credit cards accepted.  A small fee is associated with credit card payments.

Birth through 6 Years Vaccine Schedule:


Preteen and Teen Vaccine Schedule:


Adult Vaccine Schedule:

Accessing Immunization Records

Immunization records may be accessed by clicking here.  This website, MyVaxIndiana, is operated by the state of Indiana and requires a security code to access records.  You may request your personal security code by calling 260-636-2978 x 1 and speaking with our clinic receptionist.

Elevated blood lead levels can have serious consequences for the growth and development of children including:
  • Hearing and speech problems
  • Learning and behavior problems and underperformance in school
  • Lower IQ and decreased ability to pay attention
  • Slowed growth and development
  • Damage to the brain and nervous system

There is NO safe level of lead in the blood of a child.

The Noble County Health Department is able to screen children from ages 1 year to 5 years for elevated blood lead levels through capillary (finger stick/heel stick) testing.  This can be done at the same time as routine vaccinations or a separate appointment can be made.  Check out the link below to see if your child may be at risk for an elevated blood lead level.

Childhood Blood Lead Medical Management Guidelines for Providers in Indiana

Click on any of the following thumbnails to download lead educational material in pdf format.

Lead Safety: Spanish                                                        Lowering Lead Levels: Spanish                                      Lead Nutrition and Retesting Schedule: Spanish

Lead Safety Lowering Lead Levels Spanish Lead Nutrition and Retesting Schedule Spanish

Lead Screening Tool: Spanish

Lead Screening Spanish

Lead Safety: Arabic                                                            Lowering Lead Levels: Arabic                                          Lead Nutrition and Restesting Schedule: Arabic

Lead Safety Lowering Lead Levels Arabic Lead Nutrition and Retesting Arabic

Lead Screening Tool: Arabic

Lead Screener Arabic