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Land Use & Housing

Regional Land Use Planning

As the Northwest Indiana region develops, NIRPC looks at how to capitalize on the existing physical and service system infrastructure as a way to manage the cost of development. NIRPC addresses the emerging needs by placing local choices in a broader regional framework and influence decision makers for the high-quality of the region as a whole of a growing and diverse population. In addition to more traditional land use planning, NIRPC’s role has expanded to facilitating regional collaborative efforts involving land use, such as environmental and transportation initiatives. NIRPC also provides local planners with training on important emerging issues.

Local Governments Technical Assistance

Sensible Tools Handbook for Indiana

This is a guidebook to the implementation of principles of Sensible Growth in Indiana. It is intended to serve as a reader, reference source, and handbook for public officials, professionals and citizens interested in applying principles of good planning and Sensible Growth in their communities. The workbook is based upon Indiana planning and zoning law and best practices of smart growth that have been applied within the state.

Helpful Links

Land Use Map 2040 Vision Map

This website is hosted by the State of Indiana but NIRPC is an independent unit of local government and is not a State agency. Click here to learn more about NIRPC.