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NIRPC is the official council of Northwest Indiana governments that brings communities together to address issues of regional concern. It is organized under the provisions of Indiana Code 36-7-7.6 to serve the citizens of Lake, Porter, and La Porte Counties by planning for transportation, the environment, and economic development. (NIRPC Enabling Legislation)

NIRPC has a six-fold mission:
  1. To serve as Northwest Indiana’s metropolitan planning organization and act as the designated recipient for certain transportation funding;
  2. To generate meaningful dialogue and cooperation on issues of common concern;
  3. To contribute to the development of a common vision pertaining to Northwest Indiana’s future;
  4. To provide a forum in which elected officials and other decision-makers can develop and implement solutions to regional problems;
  5. To create opportunities for partnership between the public and private sectors; and
  6. To provide a common voice for Northwest Indiana in its communications with the state and the federal government.
This mission is achieved through the performance of seven core functions:
  1. The identification and framing of issues of concern;
  2. Advocacy;
  3. The identification of potential funding sources and the pursuit of funding;
  4. Project planning, plan implementation, programming, and coordination;
  5. Participation in partnerships;
  6. Sub-grantee administration; and
  7. The direct provision of technical services, data, and other resources.
The seven functions pertain to NIRPC’s statutory purpose, which is to provide a coordinated management process for Lake, Porter, and LaPorte Counties and to institute and maintain a comprehensive planning and programming process for:
  • Transportation,
  • Economic development, and
  • Environmental policy.

The Northwest Indiana region is part of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). NIRPC, as a recipient of federal funds, is subject to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Title VI prohibits discrimination based on race, creed and national origin.  The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability.

Click here for a 50-year history of the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission

This website is hosted by the State of Indiana but NIRPC is an independent unit of local government and is not a State agency. Click here to learn more about NIRPC.