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Licensure Pre-Approval

  • PLA
  • Current: Licensure Pre-Approval

Licensure Pre-Approval

PLA permits potential applicants to obtain binding board guidance regarding the effect of criminal history on their capacity for licensure. Board Directors shall assist Board Members in evaluating these requests. Guidance from a board is only binding with respect to the individual customer, only for the license types indicated by the customer, only to the extent the criminal history was fully disclosed, and only to the extent there are no additional criminal events.

Please create an Access Indiana account and follow all provided online instructions to complete your Initial Application:

License preapproval applicants are encouraged, but not required, to obtain and provide a national criminal background check. For more information about criminal background checks, please visit this FAQ webpage:

  • Should you choose to complete a national criminal background check from this site, please locate the service code associated with the license type you have indicated on your application for pre-approval.  If no service code exists for the license type, you  cannot request a national criminal background check through this site.