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Criminal Background Checks

Per IC 25-1-1.1-4 an individual applying for an initial license or certificate for certain license types shall submit to a national criminal history background check at the cost of the individual. Criminal history background checks are not required for renewal applications.

WARNING: A criminal background check (CBC) must be submitted after the application for licensure is submitted to the Professional Licensing Agency.

An applicant will receive an email from their respective board with the official date the application was processed and their specific service code. Fingerprints must be submitted on or after the date of this email notice for the CBC to be considered valid and timely.  CBCs conducted prior to the email notice date or submission of an online application with a confirmation receipt, will not be considered. For more information, please see “Frequently Asked Questions” below.

Applicant Notification and Record Challenge: Your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. You have the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in the FBI identification record. The procedure for obtaining a change, correction, or updating an FBI identification record are set forth in Title 28, CFR, 16.34.

Limited Criminal History

Only if required, (please refer to your application instructions on your Profession page), a limited criminal history background check may be obtained from the Indiana State Police.

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