Pursuant to IC 25-26-13-4.5, the Indiana Board of Pharmacy has entered into an agreement with the Indiana Professionals Recovery Program (IPRP) to provide for the rehabilitation and monitoring of impaired pharmacists. The mission of this program is to offer pharmacists suffering from chemical dependency an option to administrative disciplinary action before the Indiana Board of Pharmacy. Participation in this program is voluntary; federal and state confidentiality laws apply to all participants.
Self referrals as well as family referrals are encouraged. Referrals by pharmacies or other employers can be made directly to IPRP. Any licensed pharmacist suffering from chemical dependency is eligible to enter the IPRN program.
The program offers services which include educational presentations to appropriate audiences, advice concerning actions related to chemically dependent pharmacists, intervention planning, assistance in conducting interventions, chemical dependency assessment, a monitoring contract, referrals to appropriate treatment programs, periodic personal and/or telephone contact with an assigned sponsor, random and for-cause urine drug screens, and written/verbal report of compliance of contract to appropriate individuals.
IPRP may be contacted by calling 219.707.8081 ext 1 or via email at info@inprp.org.