Podiatric Medicine Licensing Information
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- Current: Podiatric Medicine Licensing Information
Application Instructions
- Limited License for Postgraduate Training Programs (Residency Permit)
Attention Applicants Enrolled in 12 + Month Residency Programs
The Board is now allowing applicants to apply for licensure after the successful completion of a minimum of 12-months of a CPME approved residency program with a letter from your residency director stating that you have successfully completed 12 months of the residency and that you are continuing in the program.Requirements for Limited License
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online at MyLicense.IN.gov.
- Application Fee of $50.00: Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Proof of Graduation: You may submit proof of graduation by submitting one (1) of the following documents to be upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option:
- Certificate of Completion - A statement verifying the date that the applicant has completed and will receive his/her diploma will be accepted under the signature and seal of the dean of the school or program.
- Official Transcript - An official transcript of grades from the school from with you obtained your podiatric degree, which shows that all requirements for graduation have been met by the applicant; or
- Degree - A certified copy of your podiatric degree.
- Postgraduate Training Form - This form is to be completed by the hospital/Institution Chairperson/Department Head and returned to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency with the applicant's completed application. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
PROCESSING TIME: Processing time depends on the applicant. The applicant is responsible for the submission of all documents. If there is a positive response the license will not be issued until it has been reviewed by the Medical Licensing Board.
FAIR INFORMATION PRACTICE ACT: In compliance with IC 4-1-6, this agency is notifying all applicants that they must provide the requested information or the application will not be processed. The applicant has the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information provided will become public record. Examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law. A social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with IC 4-1-8-1. Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it.
- Podiatrist Application & Instructions by Examination
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online at MyLicense.IN.gov.
- Application Fee of $150.00: Pay by credit or debit card for applications submitted online. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- APMLE Part I & Part II Exam - What has been known previously as NBPME Parts I, II, and III is now the American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examination (APMLE) Parts I, II, and III. APMLE registration, test center regulations, preparation for the examinations, score requests and many more details are available by visiting the American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examinations website.
- APMLE Part III Exam - You may request a Part III registration form and the Part III bulletin by contacting Prometric at 1-877-302-8952 or via email at nbpmeinquiry@prometric.com. Please Note: In order to be considered eligible for the Part III portion of the examination, you must have successfully passed Parts I and II.
- Verification of Education (Transcript) - Applicants must submit an official transcript from a Council on Podiatric Medical Education (COPE) approved college or school of podiatric medicine. This original transcript must show that all requirements for graduation have been met and when the degree was conferred. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option.
- Verification of Postgraduate Training - In accordance with IC § 25-29-3-1(4), 845 IAC 1-3-1(a)(12), and 845 IAC 1-3-3, each applicant must have satisfactorily completed at least a twelve (12) months of progressive graduate medical training program that meets the requirements of the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (COPE). Applicants must provide evidence to the Board of progressive graduate training either by the institution or by another entity which was approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education. Please upload at the time of application or log back into your account and use the License Update option. Proof of progressive graduate training must be submitted as follows:
- An official copy of your certificate of completion issued by the graduate training program; OR
- An original letter from the graduate training program director under the seal of the program. (No copies of such letter will be accepted)
- Verification of State Licensure(s): Completed by every state where you now hold or have ever held a license to practice podiatric medicine or any other regulated health profession. The verification must come directly from the State or authority in which license was obtained.
PROCESSING TIME: Processing time depends on the applicant. The applicant is responsible for the submission of all documents. If there is a positive response the license will not be issued until it has been reviewed by the Medical Licensing Board.
FAIR INFORMATION PRACTICE ACT: In compliance with IC 4-1-6, this agency is notifying all applicants that they must provide the requested information or the application will not be processed. The applicant has the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information provided will become public record. Examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law. A social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with IC 4-1-8-1. Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it.
- Information Regarding Reciprocity
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Committee shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- that state's or jurisdiction's requirements for a license are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirements for a license of the Committee; or
- when the person was licensed or certified by another state:
- there were minimum education requirements in the other state or jurisdiction;
- if there were applicable work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect, the person met those requirements to be licensed in that state; and
- if required by the other state or jurisdiction, the person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification.
- Has not committed any act in any state or jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate, registration, or permit to practice that occupation in Indiana at the time the act was committed.
- Does not have a complaint or an investigation pending before the regulating agency in another state or jurisdiction that relates to unprofessional conduct.
- Is in good standing and has not been disciplined by the agency that has authority to issue the license or certification.
- If a law regulating the applicant's occupation requires the Committee to administer an examination on the relevant laws of Indiana, the Committee may require the applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of Indiana.
- Pays any fees required by the Committee for which the applicant is seeking licensure.
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Committee shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Controlled Substance Registration
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online at MyLicense.IN.gov.
- Application fee of $60.00: Fee is paid online during the online application process. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Continuing Education: Effective July 1, 2019, any licensed provider who applies for a controlled substance registration or renews a controlled substance registration must have two hours of continuing education in opioid abuse and prescribing to obtain or renew the registration. The two hours must be obtained within the previous two years prior to applying for or renewing a registration. Individuals applying for a controlled substance registration who have not yet received their professional license do not need to complete the two hours of CE. Providers applying for a controlled substance registration who already hold a professional license will need to submit proof of the two hours of continuing education with their application.
- Go to https://www.in.gov/pla/professions/controlled-substance-registration/ for application and instructions.
Renewal Instructions
- Renewal Information
- Renew Online!
- Podiatrists and controlled substance registrations expire June 30 of odd-numbered years.
- The renewal fee for podiatrists is $100.00
- In order to renew your license to practice podiatry in Indiana you are required to have completed no less than fifteen (15) hours of continuing podiatric medical education each licensure year. For more information regarding CE please see below.
Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. License holders with valid e-mail addresses on file will be e-mailed the renewal notice. Those who do not have valid e-mail addresses on file will be mailed the license renewal notice; this notice is mailed to the address of record with the Board. The Board has no way of knowing whether or not a notice reaches its destination; therefore, when a notice has been e-mailed to a valid e-mail address or mailed, the duty of the Board has been performed.
Inactive Status
To request inactive status, you may complete your renewal online with the $50.00 renewal fee. When selecting inactive status you affirm that (1) you do not maintain an office for the practice of podiatric medicine and (2) that you do not charge for any podiatric medical services that you might render. To reactivate your inactive license you must submit a completed renewal application, a renewal fee of $100.00 and meet continuing education requirements.
- Reinstatement Information
Expired less than 3 years
Licenses that are expired less than 3 years may renew online using mylicense.in.gov and will incur the late fee.
Expired Three (3) Years or more
If your Podiatrist license has been expired for three or more years, you must reinstate your license to practice. Please submit your reinstatement online with the additional documentation:
- Reinstate Online!
- Payment of the current renewal fee ($100) and current initial application fee ($150). Total reinstatement fee: $250.
- Documentation to Upload:
- Letter of work history from the time your license expired to current
- Verification of licenses held in any state
- Certificates of completion for all continuing education completed
- Letter from current employer
If your CSR-Podiatrist has been expired for three or more years, you must reinstate your license to practice.
- Reinstate Online!
- Payment of the current renewal fee ($60) and current initial application fee ($60). Total reinstatement fee: $120.
- Documentation to Upload:
- Copies of certificate of completion in two hours of continuing education in opioid abuse and prescribing to obtain or renew the registration. The two hours must be obtained within the previous two years prior to applying for or renewing a registration.
- Continuing Education Requirements
In order to renew your license to practice podiatry in Indiana you are required to have completed no less than fifteen (15) hours of continuing podiatric medical education each licensure year. The Board is currently on a two (2) year renewal cycle. The continuing education must have been completed during the renewal period prior to license renewal. In addition, all continuing education programs must be sponsored, accredited or approved by any of the organizations listed in below (845 IAC 1-5-3).
Please review the following rules carefully, as they will help clarify the above requirements. Please note that there are some circumstances in which the above requirements may not apply.
Credit Hours Required
- A licensee who renews a license as a podiatrist shall complete no less than thirty (30) hours of continuing podiatric medical education in courses or programs approved by any of the approved sponsors in each two (2) year renewal period.
- A podiatrist is not required to complete continuing education requirements for the year in which the initial license is issued.
- If you received your initial license in the first licensure year, then you are only required to have completed fifteen (15) hours of continuing podiatric medical education for this renewal period in order to renew your license.
- If you received your initial license in the second licensure year, then you are not required to have completed any hours of continuing podiatric medical education for this renewal period in order to renew your license.
- Continuing podiatric medical education acquired in any area other than podiatric medicine will not be accepted.
- Continuing education credit units or clock hours must be obtained within the renewal period and may not be carried over from one (1) licensure period to another.
Approval of Continuing Education Programs
To receive credit for continuing education programs, the program must be sponsored, accredited, or approved by any of the following organizations:
- American Association of Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons.
- American Medical Association (programs related to podiatric medicine).
- American Society of Podiatric Dermatology.
- American Society of Podiatric Medicine.
- Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
- A national, regional, state, district, or local organization that operates as an affiliated entity under the approval of any organizations listed in subdivisions (1) through (5).
- Any of the colleges of podiatric medicine accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
- A federal, state, or local government agency that coordinates or presents continuing education programs related to podiatric medicine.
- Documents
- Podiatrist Renewal Form
- Podiatrist Reinstatement Form
- CSR - Podiatrist Renewal Document
- CSR - Podiatry Reinstatement Form - Expired for 3 or More Years
Fee Schedule
- Podiatrist Applications/Renewals
Podiatrist Application/Renewal Fee Penalty Total Initial Application $150 NA $150 Temporary Permits $50 NA $50 Limited Podiatry TMP $50 NA $50 Active Renewal - June 30 odd-numbered years $100 $50 $150 Inactive Renewal - June 30 odd-numbered years $50 $50 $100 Reinstatement - Expired over three years $250 NA $250