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LSA #12-64 Cosmetology Mobile Salon Requirements

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LSA #12-64 Cosmetology Mobile Salon Requirements

Rulemaking Docket


Date (“E”) for estimated future date


Description of rule

Amends 820 IAC 2-1-1 concerning transfer of licenses prohibited.  Adds 820 IAC 2-1-1.1 concerning barbering in a mobile salon. Amends 820 IAC 2-1-6 concerning signs requirements for cosmetology salons, electrology salons, manicurist salons, esthetic salons, and mobile salons. Adds 820 IAC 2-1-6.5 concerning license display requirements for mobile salons. Adds 820 IAC 2-1-6.6 concerning license display requirements for beauty culture professionals. Amends 820 IAC 2-1-7 concerning addresses and contact information for cosmetology salons, electrology salons, manicurist salons, esthetic salons, and mobile salons.  Amends 820 IAC 3-1-1 concerning scope. Amends 820 IAC 3-1-4 concerning work stations; covered waste receptacle. Amends 820 IAC 3-1-13 concerning separate room for electrology. Amends 820 IAC 3-1-14 concerning electrology equipment; salons. Amends 820 IAC 3-1-16 concerning manicurist equipment; salons.  Amends 820 IAC 3-1-17 concerning no pets; cosmetology schools, cosmetology salons, electrology salons, manicurist salons, esthetic salons, and mobile salons. Adds 820 IAC 3-1-18 concerning mobile salon application requirements.  Adds 820 IAC 3-1-19 concerning mobile salon requirements for self-contained facilities.  Adds 820 IAC 3-1-20 concerning safety and sanitary requirements for mobile salons that are self-contained.  Amends 820 IAC 3-2-1 concerning scope.  Amends 820 IAC 3-2-10 concerning esthetics; separate room.  Amends 820 IAC 3-2-23 concerning additional requirements. Amends 820 IAC 7-1-1 concerning application/issuance fees.

Notice of intent 02-01-2012
Proposed rule 04-04-2012
Public hearing notice
(publication date)
Economic impact statement 04-04-2012
Public hearing date and location 07-16-2012

Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W064, Indianapolis, Indiana

Comments may be inspected at this location

Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W072, Indianapolis, Indiana

Other notices 04-04-2012

Public hearing date was originally scheduled May 21, 2012 at 2:30 p.m.  Hearing date changed to July 16, 2012.

Final rule filed with the Indiana Register 08-30-2012
Final rule published in the Indiana Register 09-26-2012
Additional information 01-31-2013

Deadline for Rule Promulgation: January 31, 2012

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