It’s our mission to provide a safe and healthy environment in which families and businesses will thrive. We are committed to fostering community pride, building relationships through neighbors helping neighbors, and providing a safe place for children to play and grandparents to enjoy their retirement. Our goal is to continue to provide excellent public safety, and municipal services to encourage growth and prosperity for all of our community.

Learn More
Pay your bill online
PAY UTILITY BILLS ONLINE - Payments made online will not reach our business office for 24-48 hours. If you have been shut off please contact the office at 317-535-7500 to have your payment processed immediately. Office hours are 7:00 am to Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Monday-Friday (except holidays).
Learn More
Brightspeed Fiber Internet is coming to New Whiteland
Brightspeed is an internet and telephone provider operating in New Whiteland, Indiana, making investments in multi-gig-speed connectivity. Many Hoosiers have access to Brightspeed’s service, and the company continues to construct its state-of-the-art network to upgrade the existing copper infrastructure to fiber. Residents have likely already seen Brightspeed trucks in their neighborhoods as crews work to bring people online. Brightspeed’s highest priority is working quickly and efficiently within the community, keeping safety at the forefront. If New Whiteland residents face any issue during this build process, please contact or call 260-416-0173. New Whiteland residents can check for Brightspeed Fiber Internet availability for their homes or businesses by visiting and signing up to receive alerts when service is available.
Trash Schedule
Town of New Whiteland Trash Schedule
News - What's Happening
Lastest look at the high school construction project
Photo Gallery
Visit the Town of New Whiteland’s Flickr page to see all photos.
- 2012 Paws and Heroes Dog Walk
- 2012 Honoring Our Heroes Ride (6/23/2012 File 1)
- 2012 Honoring Our Heroes Ride (6/23/2012 File 2)
- 2012 Salute to the Troops
- 2011 Honoring Our Heroes Event at Otte Golf
- 2011 Eagle Scout Project
- Memorial Service & Community Celebration (9/10/2011)
- WWII Veteran 1st LT. Ray Miller (11/5/2011)
Town Hall
540 Tracy Road, Suite A
New Whiteland, IN 46184
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone Number: (317) 535-9487
Fax Number: (317) 535-7889
540 Tracy Road, Suite A
New Whiteland, IN 46184
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