Town Hall, Utilities, Public Works
Town Hall
540 Tracy Road, Suite A
New Whiteland, IN 46184
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone Number: (317) 535-9487
Fax Number: (317) 535-7889
Offices Located in Town Hall
Utility Office
(317) 535-7500
Clerk-Treasurer’s Office
(317) 535-9487
Planning and Zoning Department
(317) 535-7500
- Code Enforcement Complaint Form
- Request for Public Records
- Application for Approval of Construction Plans
- Application for a Variance
- Application for a Sketch Plan Review
- Application for a Preliminary Plat for Minor Subdivision
- Application for a Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision
- Application for Secondary Approval of Major Subdivision Plat
- Ordinance No 2023: Ordinance regarding the storage and parking of Trailers, Boats, and Commercial Vehicles
- Ordinance 2028: Stormwater Management Ordinance
*Just a reminder. It is illegal to rake or mulch leaves, grass, or other yard waste into the street. This is a violation of our Stormwater Management Ordinance. When mowing, mulching, or raking please be sure that all debris remains in your yard and on your property. - Ordinance 2015-08: Consumer Fireworks
- Ordinance 2016-03: Burning Ordinance
- Ordinance 2019-13: Trash & Recycling Rates
- Ordinance 2020-11: Non-Recurring Charges
- Ordinance 2022-07 Golf Carts
Trash Information
Sanitation Billing
540 Tracy Road, Suite A
New Whiteland, IN 46184
324 W 500 N
New Whiteland, IN 46184
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – noon and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone Number: (317) 535-7500
Fax Number: (317) 535-7889
Utility Superintendent
Phone Number: (317) 530-0924
Fax Number: (317) 535-4669
24- Hour Emergency Service: (317) 535-4770
After 4:00 p.m., weekends and holidays contact (317) 557-3542. If no answer, call (317) 941-3544.
Matt Gillock – WWTP Superintendent, MS4 Coordinator
Duane McCauslin – Streets, Parks & Properties Superintendent
Dwayne Dykes– Senior Maintenance
Dale Hardin– Lab Technician
Mike Ryle– Senior Maintenance
Brett Dulworth - Maintenance
Marty Reed - Maintenance
Cindy Yates – Utility Clerk / Planning & Zoning Secretary
Melissa McCarty – Utility & Payroll Clerk
Kim Toler - Utility Clerk
Angela DeVoss – Clerk-Treasurer
A Note from the Utility Superintendent
Please note the following items should NOT be flushed down your toilet or put into the sanitary sewer system (BABY WIPES, CLEANING WIPES, FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS, PAPER TOWELS, TISSUES, TRASH, MEDICATIONS, METAL, PLASTIC AND CHEMICALS). Also please do not blow any lawn material such as (GRASS CLIPPINGS OR LEAVES) into the street as this can cause issues with our storm sewer system as well as cause a road hazard for vehicles.
Matthew Gillock
Town of New Whiteland
Utility Superintendent
Pay Your Utility Bills Online
Payments made online will not reach our business office for 24 – 48 hours. To have your payment processed and posted immediately you need to contact our office at 317-535-7500 Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. We will continue to accept credit card payments in the office but will no longer accept electronic checks in the office or over the phone. You may still make an electronic check payment online.
Disconnect Policy Changes
Important Changes in Disconnect Policy for past due Sewer, Trash, and Storm Water Bills
As you know, New Whiteland has an agreement with Indiana American Water to shut off water service to any New Whiteland customers who are delinquent in paying their sewer, stormwater, and trash service bills. Effective June 16, 2020, with Ordinance 2020-11: If the past due amount is not paid by the 21st, a courtesy reminder letter will be mailed. If the payment is not made in full by the date in the reminder letter a disconnect order will be issued to Indiana American Water. When the disconnect order is issued a $25 disconnect administrative fee will be added to your account. Once Indiana American Water shuts off the water, in order to get service restored, the full amount (both months) of your bill must be paid along with the $25 disconnect administrative fee and a $65 IAW disconnect fee. If your account does not have a $75 sewer deposit you will also be required to pay the $75 sewer deposit before your service can be restored.
Utility Forms
- New Move-in Packet
- Pool Credit Request Form
- Customer Information Change
- Summer Sprinkling Credit
- Sewer Permit Application
Our Purpose
The Storm Water Management Utility is tasked with providing the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of the Town of New Whiteland’s stormwater conveyance system to our receiving waters.
What We Do
The Storm Water Utility provides comprehensive and integrated management of the Town of New Whiteland’s stormwater infrastructure through best management practices in stormwater management. The Utility is responsible for the implementation of the Municipal Separated Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program mandated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).
- Johnson County Indiana Partnership for Water Quality
- Construction Site Stormwater BMPs
- IDEM Rule 5
- IDEM Rule 6
- Ordinance No 2028: Stormwater Management Ordinance
- Tox-Box-household-chemical disposal
- Storm Water Complaint Form
- Annual 2023 Stormwater Report
*Just a reminder. It is illegal to rake or mulch leaves, grass, or other yard waste into the street. This is a violation of our Stormwater Management Ordinance. When mowing, mulching, or raking please be sure that all debris remains in your yard and on your property.

What is an Illicit Discharge?
Illicit discharges are considered “illicit” because Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) are not designed to accept, process, or discharge such non-stormwater wastes.
Towns/Cities in Johnson County designated as MS4 entities have adopted an illicit discharge ordinance prohibiting “any substance other than stormwater” to directly discharge or travel to the storm sewer system.
Prohibited discharges include:
- Illegal dumping of chemicals, oil, trash, or other debris is prohibited.
- Illegal connections to the storm sewer system are prohibited (washing machines, septic systems, commercial car washes, and any substance that is not clean stormwater).
- Natural debris such as grass clippings, leaves, or soils must not be placed in the streets, along curb lines, in a ditch, or directly into any part of the storm sewer system. Grass clippings should be swept or blown back into the yard.
Prohibited discharges are listed in each MS4 community’s illicit discharge ordinance. If you would like more information, contact your local MS4 entity.
If you notice an illicit discharge, please report it to the MS4 Operator in the designated MS4 entity area (whether it’s Greenwood, Franklin, Edinburgh, Bargersville, New Whiteland, Whiteland, or Johnson County).
- Ordinance No 2028: Stormwater Management Ordinance
*Just a reminder. It is illegal to rake or mulch leaves, grass, or other yard waste into the street. This is a violation of our Stormwater Management Ordinance. When mowing, mulching, or raking please be sure that all debris remains in your yard and on your property.
Public Works
The Public Works employees are responsible for a wide variety of things including but not limited to the maintenance of all public property, parks – mowing and weed eating, maintaining all playground equipment, shelter houses, picnic tables, basketball courts, disc golf course, etc., all municipally owned buildings - the fire station, police station, town hall and street garage, repair and maintenance of all our streets, overseeing street repair contracts, filling potholes, doing crack sealing, picking up leaves in the fall and removing snow in the winter. They also assist the Utility Department employees with cleaning storm sewers, maintaining lift stations, and rehabbing manholes throughout town as well as helping with the daily duties in running the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
324 W 500 N
New Whiteland, IN 46184
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – noon and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Streets and Parks (317) 535-4664
Utilities and Stormwater (317) 530-0924
Fax Number: (317) 535-4669
A message from the Public Works Department
Welcome from the employees of the Public Works Department. It is with great pride that we serve the citizens of New Whiteland. Whether it’s safely collecting, treating and disposing of wastewater, maintaining roads and traffic signals/signs, snow removal, leaf pick up, grass mowing, weed eating, painting, building repairs and renovations, environmental testing, storm water monitoring, or engineering new projects – Public Works touches the lives of all citizens in the Town of New Whiteland in many ways. We at the Public Works Department are committed to providing the highest quality service to you our customers. With you as our partner, we will continue to strive for excellence.
Help us serve you better…
We welcome your feedback. If you have a concern with our service, please let us know. If you’ve had a good experience with our Department, please share it with us. The information you provide helps us to serve our customers better in the future.