Provided By: New Whiteland Police Department
The following are the Indiana statutes regarding bicycles.
9-13-2-109. Motorized bicycle.
“Motorized bicycle” means a two (2) or three (3) wheeled vehicle that is propelled by an internal combustion engine or a battery-powered motor, and if powered by an internal combustion engine, has the following:
- An engine rating of not more than two (2) horsepower and a cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty (50) cubic centimeters.
- An automatic transmission.
9-21-11-1. Parents or guardians may not authorize or knowingly permit children or protected persons to violate the chapter.
- The parent of a child and the guardian of a protected person may not authorize or knowingly permit the child or protected person to violate this chapter.
- Subject to the exceptions stated the provisions of this chapter applicable to bicycles apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon a highway or a path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
9-21-11-2. Rights and duties in general of a person riding a bicycle.
A person riding a bicycle upon a roadway has all the rights and duties under this article that are applicable to a person who drives a vehicle, except the following:
- Special regulations of this article.
- Those provisions of this article that by their nature have no application.
9-21-11-3. Bicyclist must be seated upon permanent and regular attached seat — Carrying of another person upon bicycle prohibited.
- A person propelling a bicycle may not:
- Ride other than upon the permanent and regular seat attached to the bicycle; or
- Carry any other person upon the bicycle who is not seated upon a firmly attached and regular seat on the bicycle.
- A person may not ride upon a bicycle unless seated under this section.
9-21-11-4. A number of persons that may be carried on a bicycle.
A bicycle may not be used to carry more persons at one (1) time than the number for which the bicycle is designed and equipped.
9-21-11-5. Bicycles and other similar vehicles may not be attached to streetcar or vehicle.
9-21-11-6. Prohibition against riding more than two abreast.
A person riding a bicycle upon a roadway may not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
9-21-11-7. Prohibition against carrying anything preventing both hands from being kept upon handlebars.
A person who rides a bicycle may not carry a package, a bundle, or an article that prevents the person from keeping both hands upon the handlebars.
9-21-11-8. Bicycle to be equipped with a bell or other similar device.
A person may not ride a bicycle unless the bicycle is equipped with a bell or other device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet. A bicycle may not be equipped with and a person may not use upon a bicycle a siren or whistle.
9-21-11-9. Times when bicycles to be equipped with lamps.
A bicycle operated on a highway from one-half (½) hour after sunset until one-half (½) hour before sunrise must be equipped with the following:
- A lamp on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the front.
- A lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet.
9-21-11-10. Bicycles to be equipped with a brake.
A bicycle must be equipped with a brake that will enable the person who operates the bicycle to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
9-21-11-11. Regulations and requirements of the article to be observed by bicyclists.
A person who operates a bicycle upon a highway shall observe the regulations and requirements of this article.
9-21-11-12. Restrictions on the operation of motorized bicycles.
A motorized bicycle may not be operated under any of the following conditions:
- By a person less than fifteen (15) years of age.
- By a person who has not obtained an identification card under IC 9-24, a permit under IC 9-24, an operator’s license under IC 9-24, a chauffeur’s license under IC 9-24, or a public passenger chauffeur’s license under IC 9-24.
- On an interstate highway or a sidewalk.
- At a speed greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
9-21-11-13. Protective headgear and glasses to be worn by persons less than eighteen years of age operating or riding motorized bicycles.
A person less than eighteen (18) years of age who operates or rides a motorized bicycle on a street or highway shall do the following:
- Wear protective headgear meeting the minimum standards set by the bureau or a helmet that meets the standards established by the United States Department of Transportation under 49 CFR 571.218 in effect January 1, 1979.
- Wear protective glasses, goggles, or a transparent face shield.
- A maximum design speed of not more than twenty-five (25) miles per hour on a flat surface.