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Kids First Trust Fund

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Kids First Trust Fund License Plate

Donate to the Kids First Trust Fund!

If you already have a license plate, you can make a donation to the Kids First Trust Fund online by clicking on the license plate above! Or you can send a check to:

Kids First Trust Fund
c/o DCS Prevention Team
302 W Washington St, Suite E306, MS 47
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Please be sure to make the check out to Kids First Trust Fund.

Open Board Meeting
Kids First Trust Fund Board Meeting
Notice of Open Board Meeting

The Kids First Trust Fund and its board were established by Indiana Code: IC 31-26-4. Members of the Kids First Trust Fund Board include individuals appointed by the Indiana General Assembly and the Governor, as well as individuals representing the Indiana Department of Child Services and Indiana Department of Health. The board meets quarterly to discuss the state of the trust fund, how the fund is distributed, and future activities.

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 1 p.m. EST
In-person location: 3833 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208
Teams Meeting: Join here
Meeting ID:
291 934 178 76
Passcode: g7U6bb

Kids First Trust Fund Board Electronic Communications Meeting Policy

Meeting Materials

Meeting DateAgendaMinutes
Jan. 16, 2025Agenda 
Sept. 19, 2024AgendaMinutes
July 18, 2024AgendaMinutes
May 16, 2024Agenda 
Nov. 9,  2023 Minutes
Oct. 20, 2022AgendaMinutes
Feb. 17, 2022AgendaMinutes
Jan. 5, 2022AgendaMinutes
Dec. 31, 2021AgendaMinutes
Dec. 16, 2021AgendaMinutes
Sep. 30, 2021AgendaMinutes
Aug. 19, 2021AgendaMinutes
June 17, 2021AgendaMinutes
April 22, 2021 AgendaMinutes
Feb.18, 2021 AgendaMinutes
Dec. 29, 2020AgendaMinutes
Dec. 17, 2020AgendaMinutes
Oct. 15, 2020 AgendaMinutes
Aug. 20, 2020 AgendaMinutes
June 18, 2020 AgendaMinutes

Kids First Mission Statement:

Promote the health of children and reduce infant mortality by funding programs which prevent child abuse and neglect.

The Kids First Trust Funds provides funding for primary and secondary prevention initiatives like the safe sleep campaign through our partners:

  • The Villages/Prevent Child Abuse Indiana (PCAI) provides primary prevention, or public awareness, regarding the prevention of child abuse and neglect.  Activities include prevention education through presentations and conferences to professionals, parents, community members, and youth;  distribution of child abuse and neglect prevention materials, particularly in the months surrounding Child Abuse Prevention Month (April); support of local/regional Child Abuse Prevention Councils and development of additional councils; and conduct prevention awareness activities/events particularly during Child Abuse Prevention Month.  The Villages/PCAI actively promotes the 1-800-CHILDREN line to provide parent information on a statewide basis.
  • Community Partners for Child Safety (CPCS) provides an array of child abuse and neglect prevention services in every region of the state.  The program offers a service continuum that builds community support for families that are identified through self-referral or other community agency referral to connect families to resources needed to strengthen the families and prevent child abuse and neglect.

Prevention Efforts of Kids First Trust Fund

Primary Prevention: Services available to the general community or to all families to PREVENT child abuse and neglect.

Key aspects of primary prevention are that it:

  • is offered to all members of the population;
  • is voluntary, attempt to influence societal forces which impact parents and children;
  • seeks to promote positive family functioning rather than just prevent problems.

Secondary Prevention: Services available to keep child abuse and neglect from happening after certain warning signals have appeared

Key aspects of secondary prevention are that it:

  • Is offered to pre-defined group of "at-risk" individuals, but before abuse or neglect has occurred.
  • Is voluntary; and
  • Is usually problem-focused on the particular stressors or identified parents or caretakers.

Clarification of Definitions:

Intervention: Aims to protect a child during or after abuse or neglect has occurred.

Prevention: Aims to avert abuse and neglect before they occur.

Step Up to the Plate!

More information about the "Kids First" license plate can be found on the BMV website. Plates may be purchased without going to the BMV. Add $40 to your renewal with a note indicating that you would like a "Kids First" license plate.

The following are the "Kids First" license plate letter combinations. Please note that the alpha combinations have no meaning beginning with 9.

 CT=Children's Trust KF=Kids First  KD=Kids
 KS=Kids Sake  LK=Love Kids  KP=Kids Plate
 HK=Hug Kids   

(9) KA, KB, KC, KE, KG, KH-will continue through the alphabet with K as needed according to sales.

Donate Online!

You don't need to buy a license plate to help our partners provide services to children and families in need! You can just click the link below to donate to the Kids First Trust Fund.

Click here to donate to the Kids First Trust Fund!

More Information

Please visit  Public Education to learn more ways to prevent child abuse and neglect.