Living with Wildlife
Introduction & Species | Interacting with Wildlife | Common Questions
As urbanization continues throughout Indiana and the nation, wildlife habitat is radically and rapidly changing. Due to these habitat changes, some wildlife has become displaced while other wildlife quickly adapts and thrives in human-dominated niches. As people change habitats, the occurrences of human/wildlife interactions may also increase, and those interactions may not always be positive and may require solutions. Common wildlife that may take advantage of human resources include raccoons, opossums, coyotes, white-tailed deer, foxes, and a variety of bird species. Information on solutions for some common wildlife interactions are below.
- A raccoon, squirrel, or opossum is in my house. What can I do?
- An animal is getting into my bird feeders. What can I do?
- I saw a coyote. Should I be concerned?
- I found a bird outside of its nest. What should I do with it?
- I need help with Canada geese that are creating problems on my property. What can I do?
- I found a nest of baby animals, and I think the mother has abandoned them. How do I take care of them?
- I found a fawn by itself. What should I do?
- I found a baby wild animal, and I think it is orphaned. Can I keep it as a pet?
- I found a dead bird. Can I keep it? Should I report it?
- I found a dead or injured bat. What should I do with it?
- My child brought home a turtle. Can we keep it?
- I need assistance in removing wildlife. What can I do?
Helpful links
- Canada Goose Egg and Nest Destruction Permit
- Canada Goose Management
- Deer Management
- District Wildlife Biologists
- Hunting and Trapping Information
- Orphaned & Injured Wildlife
- Permit Information
- Permitted Wildlife Rehabilitators
- Methods for Managing Human-Deer Conflicts
- Waterfowl Control Operators
- Wildlife Control Operators
- Sick or Dead Wildlife Reporting