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Indiana Master Naturalist Graduates


Congratulations on your accomplishment. So what's next?

  • Complete your volunteer service with a state, city or local natural resources agency. If you're not sure whether your plans for volunteer service will qualify, check with your course host.
  • Provide proof to your course host that you have completed your volunteer service (either your volunteer record or a letter from your host/volunteer organization.)
  • Your course host will pass along notification of your completed service to the state coordinator, who will issue your pin and your newsletter subscription. Make sure that your sponsor has your current address, phone number and email.
  • Once your information is entered in our state database, you will be added to the IMN email listserv. This will keep you updated on the latest natural resource volunteer opportunities and programs throughout the state. A newsletter with great information is also emailed out quarterly.

How to stay active with the IMN program

Once you have been IMN certified you are always an IMN. Congratulations! If you would like to continue to volunteer, you can decide to strive to be an Advanced Indiana Master Naturalist (AIMN).

Certified Advanced IMN

  • Is a per calendar year program.
  • Pay an annual $15 administrative fee per calendar year.
  • Volunteer 30 hours of volunteer time annually and complete 8 hours of education time annually (training/workshops presented by IMN Hosts, city/county/state parks, or other natural resources agency).
  • Submit proof of the 38 hours to Jody Heaston ( by Dec. 20 of the current year along with fee if not paid by then. Include your hours, name, address, email address, host name, class year and a brief description of where you did your volunteer time and education time.
  • Certified Advanced IMNs that have completed these hours and paid annual fee will receive an advanced pin and certificate for that year.

Annual administrative fee of $15 can be paid at anytime of current year. This fee helps to maintain pins and certificates, newsletter notifications, listserv services, covering administrative costs, and supporting the IMN program. A reminder of this fee will be in the winter newsletters. NOTE: If fee is paid and hours are not completed by end of year, the money cannot be refunded. Money will be used to support the IMN program.

To pay the annual $15 fee, please send money along with your name, current address, phone number and email to (make checks payable to IMN):

Jody Heaston, IMN
Ouabache State Park
4930 E. State Road 201
Bluffton, IN 46714

Questions about the Advanced IMN program can be directed to Jody Heaston at

Indiana Master Naturalist Annual Gathering

As a certified IMN, you are invited to the annual gathering of Indiana Master Naturalists. During this gathering, network with other IMN’s, attend some natural history programs and have fun!

Items to purchase


Patches are approximately 4 ½ inches long by 2 ½ inches wide and feature the IMN logo or the Advanced IMN logo. They are provided to certified IMN graduates for $5 each. To inquire about a patch, contact


IMN logo nametags can be purchased by certified IMN graduates. The cost is $21.10 (includes shipping). To inquire about a nametag, contact


IMN logo ball cap style hats can be purchased by certified IMN graduates. The cost is $16 plus shipping. To inquire about a hat, contact

Vanity License Plate

IMN logo Vanity License Plate can be purchased by certified IMN graduates. The cost is $8 plus shipping. To inquire about a plate, contact

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