Peru, IN 46970
- Description
Miami SRA, Red Bridge SRA w/marina, Frances Slocum SRA, Pearson Mill SRA
14,386 acres - 3,210-acre lake
Mississinewa Lake, one of the three Upper Wabash flood-control reservoirs, offers excellent fishing, hunting, and boating opportunities in the heart of north-central Indiana. In addition to featuring a 400-plus-site campground and family cabins, Mississinewa was the first state property in Indiana to introduce seasonal camping, where visitors can retain a campsite for the entire season in an all-new campground. The expanses of forests, prairies, and farmland surrounding the lake provide an attractive habitat to a wide variety of wildlife, exhibiting exceptional viewing opportunities for hikers, bird watchers, and touring bicyclists.
Water safety matters! If you use one of our big reservoirs for swimming, fishing, boating, or skiing, check out Bobber the Water Dog, brought to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Activities
- Trails
- Maps