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Cagles Mill Lake - Hunting and Trapping

1317 W. Lieber Road, Suite 1
Cloverdale, IN 46120

Hunting and Trapping

Cagles Mill Lake (Lieber State Recreation Area) offers many hunting and fishing opportunities within its 8,075 acres.

Waterfowl hunting is permitted on the lake in season. Approximately 6,075 acres of state and federal land surrounds Lieber State Recreation Area. This acreage includes Owen-Putnam State Forest. Squirrel and deer are the most popular game harvested but wild turkey, raccoon, and fox are also taken. Lieber SRA is only a few miles south of I-70 on SR 243 and offers year round camping with class A sites available.

Cagles Mill Lake allows the use of bonus antlerless deer tags.

Trapping opportunities are available by draw. Contact the property office in late summer to sign up.

All hunters must register and sign the waiver of liability at one of the hunter sign-in stations on the property. Hunter sign-in is mandatory, and failure to sign in and sign out properly may result in a fine. All game taken must be recorded on a required one-day hunter permit card that must be carried with you as you hunt and turned in at the end of the day. At some properties, the card must be returned to the same hunter sign-in station where the waiver of liability was signed; please look for that requirement when you check-in. Take and use only one card per day. This system provides valuable wildlife management information.

Accessible hunting opportunities are available. Inquire at the property office or by calling 765-276-0194.

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