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Indiana Trail Count Analysis

In May 2020, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources launched the Indiana Trail Count Analysis, a statewide study of volunteer-based convenience sample trail count data. By partnering with trail managers and stakeholders across the state who were previously collecting data from fixed counters on their respective trails, the DNR was able to create a more current and comprehensive trail data set. The goal of this analysis is to use this convenience sample data to document, track, and better understand major trail-use trends in Indiana.

2019 – 2020 Comparison Summary

Total Trail Count

Monthly trail counters - all

Monthly Trail Count
JAN 70,583 101,585 44%
FEB 72,220 117,012 62%
MAR 124,370 221,987 78%
APR 209,979 251,612 20%
MAY 256,267 398,273 55%
JUN 369,632 503,872 36%
JUL 389,332 426,306 9%
AUG 414,691 474,878 15%
SEP 360,209 423,828 18%
OCT 233,673 293,423 26%
NOV 128,570 248,826 94%
DEC 133,060 169,261 27%
TOTAL 2,762,5863,630,86431.4%

Monthly trail counters - hard surface

Hard Surface Monthly Trail Count
JAN 66,814 96,761 45%
FEB 68,731 110,215 60%
MAR 117,092 207,783 77%
APR 200,456 228,232 14%
MAY 246,185 376,583 53%
JUN 362,053 489,518 35%
JUL 381,139 415,895 9%
AUG 403,966 463,293 15%
SEP 351,056 409,151 17%
OCT 221,529 274,325 24%
NOV 120,528 237,890 97%
DEC 126,091 162,307 29%

Monthly trail count - Natural surface counters

Natural Surface Trail Count
JAN 3,769 4,824 28%
FEB 3,489 6,797 95%
MAR 7,278 14,204 95%
APR 9,523 23,380 145%
MAY 10,082 21,690 115%
JUN 7,579 14,354 89%
JUL 8,193 10,411 27%
AUG 10,725 11,585 8%
SEP 9,153 14,677 60%
OCT 12,144 19,098 57%
NOV 8,042 10,936 36%
DEC 6,969 6,954 0%

2019-2020 Findings

Based on counts from 65 trail counters around the state (see map below), trail use is shown to have increased more than 31% in 2020 from the previous year. Each month in 2020 saw more trail use compared to the same month in 2019, ranging from increases of 9% to 94%.

Hard-surface trails saw the majority of trail counts in our analysis, with a peak of 97% increase in the month of November. Despite representing less of the total trail counts, natural-surface trails saw the biggest increase, almost 64%, in 2020. Of note, natural-surface trail counts increased more than 100% in the months of April and May.

The data reflects a clear and significant rise in trail use in 2020. This rise in Indiana is consistent with trail use increases documented across the country as well as an uptick in many other outdoor recreation activities such as paddling, bicycling, camping, and off-roading. Some of this increase is thought to have been spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, but the sustained trend shows that Hoosiers are eager to get outside more and enjoy the many benefits trails have to offer. The results of the 2019-2020 Trail Counts Analysis indicate a high demand for and interest in trails across the state.

2019-2020 Trail Data was collected from 65 trail counters over 16 counties.

2019-2020 Trail counter locations

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