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Indiana Trail Finder

The Indiana Trail Finder uses data from the Indiana Trails Inventory, which was compiled by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. The primary purpose of the Indiana Trails Inventory is to provide information on all public trails in Indiana for trail planning and management. The information also serves as a resource for Hoosiers to locate and learn more about recreational trails available to them in Indiana. The trail information came directly from trail providers—those agencies and organizations that manage and maintain the trails. Extensive use of websites and planning documents have also been used to update information.

Only trails for which information was received are included. Some of the trails may have changed since the inventory form was completed or may not be listed; therefore, in reviewing this report, consider it a somewhat incomplete snapshot. All entries will be updated as new information is received from the trail managing agencies. See the information below the map to submit changes/feedback.

Using this map

  • The home icon resets the view to the entire state.
  • The funnel icon filters trails by type.
  • The target icon displays your location.
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maps of trails in central indiana

Indiana Trail Finder Interactive Map

Important note to agencies and organizations managing trails: If information on trails for which you are responsible is missing or incorrect, please contact us and we will work with your agency or organization to get your trails listed.

For more information or to update information, contact:

Indiana State Parks
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
402 W. Washington St. Room W271
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-981-6418

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