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Direct all media inquiries to:

Josh Hicks
Assistant Director of Communications

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  • Customer Social Media Policy

    DOR’s social media accounts are used to promote our agency activities, events and programs. The agency’s goal is to share information with our customers in a timely fashion. DOR welcomes engagement by the public on social media at any time, but given the need to manage state resources, content moderation and responses are only provided during regular business hours.

    When engaging with DOR through social media, you agree to the following:

    DOR social media accounts are hosted by web services not owned by the state of Indiana and have different privacy and security policies. DOR does not endorse and is not responsible for content, availability, viewpoints, products or services offered or expressed on non portal websites. DOR social media platforms are not a method for reporting suspected tax fraud. If you suspect tax fraud, you can report it anonymously.

    DOR’s communications team monitors DOR social media pages but is not responsible for content generated by users. DOR accepts comments but is not obligated to respond.

    DOR can remove comments or posts that include:

    • Obscene language or images
    • Threats or defamatory statements
    • Violent or racist language
    • Endorsements or oppositions to any religious opinions or activities
    • Language that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status regarding public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation
    • Advocacy for any illegal activity
    • Off-topic information or spam
    • Web links to malware or other suspicious programs or platforms
    • Infringement on copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights
    • Political statements that endorse or oppose political candidates or ballot proposition
    • Any disclosure of information that is confidential by law or regulation
    • Any other content that violates State or Federal laws
    • Advertising of any kind

    If you have an immediate concern about posted content, contact DOR at 317-232-2240.

    DOR is not responsible for personal content posted by users. You should never disclose personal or financial information, such as Social Security or driver’s license numbers, on social media services. DOR staff will remove personal information when identified, but the State or agency is not responsible for any damage caused. Any information posted is at the user’s own risk.

    Continuous violations of the above guidelines may result in the user being banned from DOR’s social media accounts and may result in an abuse report being filed with the social media service. These actions may occur without warning and at agency discretion.