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Business Tax Forms

This page is best viewed using Google Chrome, and the Forms on this page are best using Adobe Acrobat Reader - Free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Do not manually change any part of a tax form, including the year, as it could apply present information or payments to a prior year. You must download and use the correct form for the desired filing year. Including information outside the spaces provided on the forms may not be recorded correctly and may delay the return and refund processes. DOR recommends e-filing your taxes for a quicker and more secure experience.

Name State Form NumberDescription File Type
BC-100 52038

Indiana Business Closure Request: *This can now be done directly via INTIME.

fill-in pdf
INBiz  Online Application to register with Indiana for Sales Tax, Withholding Tax, Food & Beverage Tax, County Innkeeper Tax, Motor Vehicle Rental Excise Tax, and Gasoline Use Tax (GUT). N/A
BT-1 43760 Business Tax Application fill-in pdf
BT-EX 55115 Business Exemption Application fill-in pdf
BT-1C 48515 Application for Consolidated Tax Filing Number fill-in pdf
GA-110L  615 Claim for Refund: *This can now be done directly via INTIME. fill-in pdf
Notice of  Transfer in Bulk 57309 This form may also be submitted via INTIME. For more information visit successor liability webpage. fill-in pdf
POA-1 49357 Power of Attorney: *This can now be done directly via INTIME. fill-in pdf
ROC-1 52039 Correct/Change of Responsible Officer Information: *This can now be done directly via INTIME. fill-in pdf
TAO  The Indiana Tax Advocacy Office Procedures and Forms html
Tax Clearance 53227 Tax Clearance Form fill-in pdf
AT-10325341Admissions Tax Returnfill-in pdf
VDA-1 56462 Voluntary Disclosure Request fill-in pdf
Affidavit 42850 Affidavit for Lost or Not Received Warrant: (State Comptroller Form) pdf

Any form not available on this page is now part of the functionality of INTIME, Indiana's Taxpayer Information Management Engine, DOR's e-services portal. New and existing business customers can manage, file, and pay their sales and withholding tax obligations using INTIME.

Note: As of December 1, 2020, DOR no longer accepts removable media, to include CDs, DVDs, or USB flash drives, from customers needing to submit documents. This includes any removable media containing supporting documentation for returns, receipts accompanying Form GA-110L, wage statements, invoices and utility studies for submission with Form ST-200, and any other information or data. Media received in this manner will be returned or destroyed.