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Inheritance Tax Information

Repeal of Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax previously had to be paid for individuals who passed away on or before Dec. 31, 2012 (IC 6-4-1).

The legislature repealed the Indiana Inheritance tax in 2013. Some pre-2013 estates continued to file original or amended returns.

No Inheritance tax returns for Indiana residents or nonresidents should be prepared or filed after Oct. 5, 2023 (IC 34-11-1-2). This means that there is no Inheritance tax owed in Indiana. The forms are no longer needed and were retired by DOR.

Questions related to your specific capital gains should be directed to your tax professional or legal counsel.

Asbestos Settlements

DOR will not seek taxes on asbestos settlement claims after Oct. 5, 2023. This includes any such settlements which may be part of an estate for a deceased taxpayer.

You may contact us:

By phone: 317-232-2154, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET

By mail:
Indiana Department of Revenue
Re: Inheritance Tax Division
P.O. Box 71
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0071