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Individual Taxpayer Receipt

A breakdown of how Indiana utilizes the adjusted gross income tax you paid in previous tax years is available (IC 6-8.1-3-29). Revenue derived from the collection of adjusted gross income tax is deposited into the state general fund (IC 6-3-7-3(b)). State general fund revenues are appropriated by the general assembly (IC 4-12-1-12).

You can review the breakdown by percentage in the pie chart on this page, or use DOR’s interactive estimated allocation tool to enter the amount of adjusted gross income tax you paid in the most recent tax year to view the breakdown by dollar amount.

Percentages and categories are based on FY 2025 expenditures. The percentages and categories are subject to change and only intended to provide a fair and reasonable estimate of how your tax dollars are spent.

Individual income TaxPayer Receipt Donut chart showing the percentages of the Indiana Individual Income Tax allocated to programs and services. Public Education Light blue chart segment spanning 47.27% of the whole. Social Services Orange chart segment spanning 27.29% of the whole. Higher Education Gold chart segment spanning 10.04% of the whole. Higher Education Green chart segment spanning 6.10% of the whole. Criminal Justice dark blue chart segment spanning 5.77% of the whole. Economic Development Teal chart segment spanning 2.11% of the whole. Elected Officials Brown chart segment spanning 0.64% of the whole. Environment and Natural Resources Tan chart segment spanning 0.58% of the whole. Infrastructure Fuchsia chart segment spanning 0.20% of the whole. 2024 Indiana Individual Tax Receipt

Key listing percentages of how and where the Indiana Individual Income Tax is spent: Public Education 47.27%, Social Services 27.29%, Higher Education 10.04%, General Government 6.10%, Criminal Justice 5.77%, Economic Development 2.11%, Elected Officials 0.64%, Environment and Natural Resources 0.58%, Infrastructure 0.20%.

Statewide Spending of Individual Income Taxes:
Programs & Services