General Business
- How do I start a business in Indiana?
- How do I close my business in Indiana?
- How do I dissolve, liquidate or withdraw my corporation?
- Why do you require a Social Security number when registering a business?
- Can I add different tax types at a later date?
- Can I register using more than one NAICS code?
- How far in advance can I register my business?
- What is the difference between LLC, LLP, LP, S Corporation, sole proprietorship and partnership?
- If I registered for sales tax and hire employees later, what do I need to do?
- If I change my organization type am I required to re-register with DOR?
- Is a Federal Identification Number required if I am a partnership?
- Am I required to register with the Secretary of State?
- What options do I have to file and pay my taxes?
- What determines my filing frequency and the due dates associated with each frequency?
- Can I change how often I file my tax returns?
- If I need to add a tax type to a previously registered account can I do this at any time?
- Why do I have to fill out a different application for each business and/or location?
- Can I consolidate all of my companies under one Indiana taxpayer identification number?
- Does the State of Indiana have a Voluntary Disclosure Program?
- How do I resolve a tax protest?
- How does a corporation obtain a Letter of Good Standing?
- My corporation has been administratively dissolved by the Indiana Secretary of State. How do I obtain a Clearance for Reinstatement from DOR?
- How do I obtain a tax clearance on my license?
- How do I get a private employment agency license?
- Why is there a tax lien on my vehicle title?
- Can I submit returns, receipts or any documents to DOR on CD, DVD or USB flash drive?
Sales Tax
- How much is Indiana’s sales tax?
- Is a Registered Retail Merchant Certificate (RRMC) the same as a vendor’s license?
- Am I required to renew my Registered Retail Merchant (RRMC) Certificate?
- How do I make sales tax-exempt purchases?
- What if I am entitled to an exemption but I do not have an Indiana taxpayer identification number, nor do I have a business license or registration number from my home state?
- What is Use Tax?
- Which purchases that I make on the Internet or out-of-state are taxable?
- What is the difference between use tax and sales tax?
- How can I purchase tangible personal property from Indiana vendors without paying the sales tax if I am qualified to purchase such items for a statutory exempted purpose?
- What are Indiana's previous sales tax rates?
- When can a customer report/remit sales tax using an accrual method?
- Do I have to file a return if I had no taxable activity for that time period?
- When is RP-11 due? How is it filed?
- Who has to file an RP-11?
Use Tax Liability
- Who owes Indiana use tax?
- What type of purchases might cause me to become liable for use tax?
- What are some common examples of purchases I may make that become subject to the Indiana use tax?
- What about items I purchase at garage sales and auctions?
- What if I've paid sales tax to another state?
- Why should I report and pay the Indiana use tax?
- Do I have to file a return if I had no taxable activity for that time period?
Withholding Tax
- How do I figure Indiana state withholding tax for my employees?
- How do I contact DOR for help with withholding income tax?
- Who are withholding agents?
- How do I register as a new withholding agent?
- What information do I need to collect from my employees?
- What do I do if my employees work in Indiana, but live in another state?
- Do I have to withhold state taxes for part-time or summer employees?
- Are there any cases I would not have to withhold state or county taxes for an employee?
- How do I make my payments to DOR?
- What records do I need to keep as a withholding agent?
- What information should I provide my employees for their records?
- How does DOR determine when my withholding payments are due?
- Do I have to file withholding tax returns if I do not have employees, will not issue W-2s or no withholding tax is otherwise due?
W-2 and WH-3 Electronic Filing
- Can files contain more than one employer record (RE)?
- Can I upload my WH-3 if I have outstanding liabilities?
- If I am a service provider, do the purchasers of my software have to certify to file using the batch upload process?
- After selecting a file to upload, I received a message stating a valid file had not been uploaded. Why?
- How do I file my W-2s?
- I am getting an error stating my employer ID for the uploaded file does not match the currently selected account. Why?
- Is there a document that explains in which format my W-2 file should be for uploading?
- Have there been any recent changes to the technical specifications for the W-2 file format?
- Do you send files so customers can enter information and upload the file?
- I am getting a message saying that the TID does not match. I have looked at my file, and the TIDs are the same. What else can I do?
- Can I use an XML or EFW2 file format?
- After I have uploaded my file, do I need to send in my paper W-2s?
- After I have uploaded my W-2 file in INTIME or batch upload, do I need to send in my paper WH-3?
- Can I request an extension of time to file?
Composite Filing & Nonresident Withholding
- What is nonresident shareholder withholding?
- What is the difference between regular withholding and nonresident shareholder withholding?
- What is composite filing?
- Can a partner or shareholder opt out of the composite filing?
- How do I claim a nonresident withholding credit since the WH-18 is no longer a valid form?
- How does a trust remit nonresident withholding on behalf of its nonresident beneficiaries?
- For those who are included on the composite return, can an S corporation or a partnership remit the withholding directly into the corporate account with the return?
- How does the partnership/S corporation get access to Form IT-6WTH?
- Should the S corporation or partnership follow the nonresident withholding procedures when combining investment income as an overall loss?
- If the withholding is greater than the tax due when filing a composite IT-20S or composite IT-65 return, how is the difference refunded?
- Are shareholders or partners required to be included on the composite if there is a loss on the IN K-1?
- What if there was withholding on the shareholder or partner and the IN K-1 it shows a loss – how does the shareholder or partner get their money back?
- Is withholding required for those who live in a reverse credit state?
- A shareholder or partner has Indiana-source income other than IN K-1 income. Should the shareholder or partner still be included on the composite return?
- Whom do I contact if I have more questions about composite filing or nonresident shareholders?
- Who files the IT-6WTH?
- When is the IT-6WTH due?
- Can the payment be remitted with the IT-20S or IT-65 instead of the IT-6WTH?
- If I have a loss or no income for Indiana, do I still have to submit the IT-6WTH?
- Why do the IT-65 and IT-20S have both a "Total amount of pass-through withholding" line and an "IT-6WTH" line?
- Where can I find a blank IT-6WTH?
- Will DOR send the IT-6WTH to my CPA?
- Can the IT-6WTH be filed electronically?
- If I am remitting withholding using the IT-6WTH for the members on the schedule composite, how do I report the credit amount to the nonresident shareholder or partner?
- Can more than one IT-6WTH be filed in a taxable period?
Power of Attorney
- What is a Power of Attorney (Form POA-1)?
- Why do I need an ePOA?
- Why is an ePOA needed for INTIME when my tax practitioner already has POA authority to speak to DOR on my behalf?
- If ePOA access to INTIME is approved, is a Form POA-1 still needed on file with DOR?
- Do I need access to the internet to register for INTIME to approve the ePOA request from my tax practitioner?
- Where do I get the Power of Attorney (Form POA-1)?
- Can my certified public accountant (CPA) submit a Form POA-1 for me?
- Do I need to have a Form POA-1 notarized if a family member is my POA?
- Can DOR speak to family members without a Form POA-1 on file?
- Can anyone be my POA, or does it have to be an attorney or a CPA?
- If I submit my Form POA-1 to my local district office, will my POA representative be able to speak with an employee at any DOR office?
- I’ve entered my representative’s company name on a Form POA-1. Can DOR speak with anyone who is employed at that firm?
- How can I submit a Form POA-1?
- Can I give blanket permission for my POA representative to receive information for all my tax types and years?
- How much will it cost to file a Form POA-1 with DOR?
- When does my POA expire with DOR?
- Can I still use the paper Form POA-1?
- I am an Indiana resident and I purchased an aircraft. Does the aircraft need to be registered with the State of Indiana?
- How do I obtain Indiana aircraft registration forms?
- When I register my aircraft with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), will the FAA automatically notify DOR?
- I am a nonresident of Indiana (for example, a Delaware Corporation) but base my aircraft in the State of Indiana. Do I have to register my aircraft with DOR?
- What kind of documentation do I need to prove what I paid for the aircraft?
- Are aircraft registration fees and aircraft excise taxes due each year?
- How do I make a payment?
- Is the aircraft seller or the aircraft purchaser required to report the transfer of an aircraft?
- If I sell my aircraft after I have paid the registration and excise tax, can I apply for a cash refund?
- I am a nonresident of Indiana and want to have my aircraft repaired at an Indiana repair station. Can I do this without incurring any sales tax or aircraft excise tax liabilities?
Auto and Watercraft*
*The term “vehicle” does not include watercraft
- What documentation is needed for a sales tax exemption when an out-of-state dealer sells or trades vehicles or watercraft with an Indiana dealer?
- I possess a manufacturer's franchise to sell specific vehicle models as "new." Must I collect the sales tax even though the sale is to another dealer?
- My customer lives in another state. If I charge Indiana sales tax, will the customer pay sales tax again when they register and/or title the purchase in their home state?
- My customer lives in another state that has a sales tax rate lower than Indiana's 7% sales tax rate. Will the buyer be entitled to a refund for the difference in tax rates?
- My customer lives in a state that does not have sales tax. Do they still have to pay the Indiana sales tax on the purchase of a motor vehicle?
- I have a customer from a foreign country. Do I collect sales tax on the purchase of a motor vehicle?
- What are some of the other sales tax exemptions a customer might claim?
- How is sales tax affected when an Indiana dealer delivers a vehicle, watercraft or aircraft to a customer’s location in another state or country?
RVs and Cargo Trailers
- How are recreational vehicles, travel trailers and cargo trailers defined for purposes of sales tax exemptions?
- What documentation is needed for a sales tax exemption when an out-of-state dealer sells or trades RVs or cargo trailers with an Indiana dealer?
- I am a RV and/or cargo trailer dealer with a customer who is a non-resident of Indiana. Must I collect Indiana sales tax (7%) if the customer will transport the purchase to his home state for title or registration?
- Why are some nonresidents exempt, but others are taxable?
- I am a resident of a state with either no sales tax or a lower tax rate than the Indiana. I am purchasing a RV or cargo trailer from an Indiana dealer but registering and titling in my home state. Will I be entitled to a refund for the higher tax paid?
- What happens when the customer does not provide an ID number for The Affidavit of Exemption by a Nonresident of Indiana on the Purchase of a Recreational Vehicle or Cargo Trailer (Form ST-137RV)?
- Why was I was charged additional sales tax by my home state upon registration and/or titling? I already paid a sales tax to Indiana.
- I am an RV and/or cargo trailer dealer. I have a customer who is a nonresident of Indiana. Should I collect the Indiana sales tax from this customer?