Find answers to frequently asked questions about nonresident withholding below.
- Who files the IT-6WTH?
- When is the IT-6WTH due?
- Can the payment be remitted with the IT-20S or IT-65 instead of the IT-6WTH?
- If I have a loss or no income for Indiana, do I still have to submit the IT-6WTH?
- Why do the IT-65 and IT-20S have both a “Total amount of pass-through withholding” line and an “IT-6WTH” line?
- Where can I find a blank IT-6WTH?
- Will DOR send the IT-6WTH to my CPA?
- Can more than one IT-6WTH be filed in a taxable period?
- What if I have been making payments into a nonresident withholding account with a WH-1 for 2015 but they are required to be made into the corporate account with the IT-6WTH?