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Requesting Policy Guidance

A taxpayer wanting written guidance from the Tax Policy Division of the Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) has several options. A taxpayer wanting prompt and informal guidance may submit their question to Tax Policy. However, this type of guidance is not binding on the department.

A taxpayer wanting formal determinations may submit a request for an Advisory Letter or a Revenue Ruling. Advisory Letters are nonbinding determinations based upon general inquiries and correspondence. They are not considered rulings by the DOR and are not published in the Indiana Register. While these letters are nonbinding and advisory in nature only, they do provide a higher degree of technical assistance than informal e-mail correspondence. Because they are nonbinding and not published in the Indiana Register, other taxpayers, even with substantially similar factual situations, may not rely on another taxpayer’s Advisory Letter. Requests for Advisory Letters may be made anonymously.

Revenue Rulings are binding determinations issued to individual taxpayers at the taxpayer’s request and are based upon specific factual situations provided by the taxpayer. They are published in the Indiana Register. Because Revenue Rulings are based on a particular fact situation, which may affect the tax liability of an individual taxpayer, only the taxpayer to whom the Ruling was issued is entitled to rely on it. However, other taxpayers may rely on published Revenue Rulings for informational purposes if they have substantially similar factual situations. In other words, if a taxpayer relies on a published Revenue Ruling issued to another entity, the taxpayer is not protected should the DOR discover upon examination that the taxpayer’s fact situation is different in any material respect from that situation on which the original Revenue Ruling was issued. Unlike a request for an Advisory Letter, requests for Revenue Rulings must identify the taxpayer. They may not be made anonymously.

Submit a request for an advisory letter or a Revenue Ruling

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Resources

Before submitting a request for a policy determination, it is important to consult the relevant statutes, regulations, and policy documents. In many cases, the issue for which a request for a determination is made is already addressed in these resources. The DOR also recommends listing the relevant statutes, regulations, etc. when submitting a request.

  1. Indiana’s tax statutes in Title 6 of the Indiana Code
  2. DOR’s regulations in the Indiana Administrative Code are found in Title 45
  3. DOR’s guidance: Information Bulletins, Departmental Notices, and other policy documents that provide nontechnical assistance to the general public
    1. Information Bulletins are agency statements that interpret, supplement, or implement a statute or rule and are divided between sales tax, income taxes, and general tax matters.
    2. Departmental Notices are not considered an agency statement, as they do not express interpretations of law. These are intended to notify the public about tax enactments, tax rate changes, and other DOR information.
  4. Most of the DOR’s published Rulings and Letters of Findings
  5. Indiana Tax Court decisions from the Judicial Branch