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Unemployment Insurance FAQ

How do I apply for unemployment benefits?

To apply for unemployment benefits, go to Uplink CSS, the online system for unemployment insurance claims or if you don't have internet access, contact your nearest full service WorkOne Career Center as soon as you become unemployed. You will be required to report your last employer's name, mailing address, phone number & dates of employment as well as your address, social security number & phone number.,

Eligibility for UI Benefits

When determining eligibility for UI Benefit payments, we will review your application details, including:

  1. How much did you work in the 12-18 months before filing an Unemployment claim?
  2. Why you are no longer working for your past employer(s)?
  3. Are you able, available, and actively seeking full-time work?

More information regarding each of the above eligibility items can be found in the Claimant Handbook (in multiple languages) located on the main Unemployment page.

Amount of UI Benefits

After you file a claim for UI benefits, you will receive a Monetary Determination in your Uplink Inbox within 10 days. The Monetary Determination explains:

  • The amount of benefits you are eligible to receive, if approved, and how that amount was calculated.
  • The number of weeks you will be eligible for benefits.
  • Information about how to appeal if you disagree with the determination.

Please note that the Monetary Determination provides a statement of a possible weekly benefit amount and an overall maximum benefit amount should you be deemed eligible for benefits.

What is the Maximum Weekly Benefit Amount?

The maximum weekly benefit amount is $390. This amount is set by Indiana law.

When will I receive my first payment?

You should receive your first payment within 3 weeks if there are no issues on your claim for benefits. You are not paid benefits for the first week you claim after filing for benefits (the first voucher you submit) because this is your waiting period week.

What are issues, and why are there issues on my claim?

An issue can be associated with your claim if circumstances occur such as being terminated from your last employer or you were eligible for severance or vacation pay at the time of separation. Other issues may occur due to how you answered the questions on your voucher. These issues must be resolved before payments can be released.

How will DWD notify me about changes, determinations or decisions on my claim?

DWD routinely delivers notices to claimants via e-mail.  Claimants are entitled to receive notice by US Mail once they have informed the Agency that they are requesting notice by US Mail.  Complete, sign, and return SF56627 to document your request.  Once the request has been processed, you will receive notices by US Mail.  Please note that you are still required to file new claims and weekly vouchers online via DWD Uplink filing system. Decisions or determinations are placed on your home page under “Correspondence History.”

Why don't I receive a check for my first voucher?

Indiana law requires a one waiting period week, which means you do not receive a check for the first week of your claim if you meet eligibility requirements.

Why is my claim being reviewed?

Issues associated with your claim will cause a review of your claim and delay payment of benefits.

What is my Benefit Year-End (BYE) date?

Your Benefit Year-End (BYE) date is the Saturday that ends the 52nd week after you filed your claim for unemployment benefits. It is located on your monetary determination that was mailed to you after filing your claim.

Received a "Notice of Overpayment " and can't afford to pay all this back at once. Can I make payments?

Yes, to talk to someone about a repayment agreement, call 317-233-4838 or 317-233-4839.

Also see Frequently Asked Questions about overpayments

Where do I send my repayment of unemployment benefits overpayment?

Send any repayment of overpayment benefits to:

Department of Workforce Development
Trust Fund Accounting - Overpayments
10 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Remember to include your Social Security Number on your check or money order.

Can money be deducted from my benefits for child support payments?

Yes. If you owe child support, this money can be deducted from your weekly benefits. Federal law requires state child support agencies to enforce the payment of child support in Title IV-D cases through withholding from unemployment benefits. If you owe current child support, past-due child support or both, AND you have a Title IV-D child support case, up to 50% of your benefits may be withheld and applied towards your current support payment and any arrears you owe.

For additional information about Indiana's Title IV-D Child Support Program, visit the Indiana Child Support Bureau online at For specific information about the amount of child support withheld from your benefits, contact your county Title IV-D Prosecutor's child support program. Contact information for local child support programs can be viewed online at

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