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Workforce Development Board Members

Welcome to the WDB Member webpage. On this page, you will find access to training, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, United States Department of Labor, state legislative, and DWD resources that support the development of informed and strategic decision making.

This online resource is designed specifically for and by workforce board members. Your contributions to page content will support and benefit board members across the state. Please submit your content suggestions to

LWDB Member Training
It is highly recommended that you review the WDB Training User Guide prior to accessing the training module. It provides details on how to set up your account and instructions for course enrollment.

Access Workforce Board Training

DWD Video Vault
This section of the DWD website features helpful program and service videos for citizens and employers.

Visit the DWD Video Vault



Hoosiers by the NumbersAccess to state and regional labor market information.

Governor’s Workforce Cabinet Website: Announcements, meetings, and minutes.

Indiana Career ConnectLabor exchange system for employers & job seekers.

Indiana General AssemblySearch bills, resolutions, and Indiana code.


USDOL/ETA Performance: Performance information and resources.

USDOL Guidance: Keyword search for WIOA guidance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Public Law 113–128


National Association of State Workforce Agencies: Ensure workforce development and job training programs meet employer needs.

National Association of Workforce Boards: Promotes state leadership in workforce development.

Resources & Tools

Strategic Boards Toolkit: Information and various tools for WDB development.

WorkforceGPSUseful webinars, training resources and relevant evidence-based research.

Innovation and Opportunity Network (ION): Resources to successfully implement the WIOA.

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Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
DWD is an equal opportunity employer that administers equal opportunity programs. Free auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities (TDD/TTY Number: 1-800-743-3333). Free language interpretation and translation services are also available upon request.