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State Loan Repayment Program Workgroup: November 2017 - present

This content is being archived. For the latest information on the GHWC please visit the Health Workforce Council's new website.


  • Allison Taylor, Chair, Director of Indiana Medicaid
  • Grant Achenbach, Indiana State Medical Association
  • Ann Alley, Indiana State Department of Health
  • Leila Alter, Indiana Dental Association
  • Matt Brooks, Indiana Council of Community Mental Health Centers, Inc.
  • Michael Cook, Office of Medicaid Policy & Planning
  • Tina Darling, Indiana Primary Health Care Association
  • Blayne Miley, Indiana State Nurses Association
  • Kevin Moore, Division of Mental Health & Addiction
  • Joseph Habig, Indiana State Budget Agency
  • Jason Kolkmeier, Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants (IAPA)
  • Colby Shank, Indiana Commission for Higher Education
  • Brian Tabor, Indiana Hospital Association
  • Angela Thompson, Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses of Indiana (CAPNI)

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