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Interested in developing an educational career pathway for your occupations?
Looking for short term credentials for occupational skills?
Interested in early access to talent through work-based learning, internships and apprenticeships?
Develop educational career pathways
The Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program is a state-based, national non-profit organization dedicated to helping high school students of promise who have experienced challenging or traumatic life experiences achieve success through graduation.
Find short-term credentials
You Can. Go Back. is a statewide campaign that aims to help Hoosier adults with some college experience but no degree finish what they started. It is possible with the help of the Adult Student Grant offered on a first come, first serve basis for qualifying students.
Adult Student Grant is designed to meet the unique needs of working adults starting or completing an associate degree, bachelor's degree or certificate by providing a $2,000 grant that may be used toward tuition and fees. This allows students to be part-time as long as they’re enrolled in at least six credit hours per academic term.
The Next Level Jobs Workforce Ready Grant covers more than 125 high-value certificate programs offered in five job fields aligned with Indiana’s economy.
These certificates fall within the categories of Advanced Manufacturing, Building & Construction, Health & Life Sciences, IT & Business Services, and Transportation & Logistics.
Get support via Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning is a framework of various pathways and solutions that include practical experiences to help individuals gain an understanding of an occupation through on-the-job-learning. It ranges from career awareness to career training.
An internship is a structured work experience related to a student’s education. For businesses, internships provide an opportunity to try out candidates for potential future employment. Internships are a useful strategy to augment your current workforce to address short term productivity needs such special projects while investing modest or no wages.
Apprenticeships are a time-tested approach to training and developing skilled employees. Research has shown that apprenticeship offers many benefits to employers. By investing in talent development through apprenticeships, businesses gain a pipeline of skilled workers with skills customized to industry needs, increase productivity, and boost retention.