Career/Technical Education
Career/Technical Education 
Looking to create a strong pool of local talent for your company?
Do your employees need a quick skills upgrade?
How have others succeeded?
Creating a strong pool of local talent
Career and Technical Education (CTE) centers provide cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant career and technical education that prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. CTE recognizes that classroom learning provides only part of the knowledge and skills students need for success in career and life. By creating opportunities to learn in the workplace, schools and businesses can help students refine workplace competencies needed to enter and succeed in a chosen career, adjust to the employment environment, and advance along a career pathway.
Participation in career days, field trips to business sites, job shadowing programs, serving on school advisory boards, and providing industry guidance for development of career pathways are just a few of the ways to get involved in shaping the local talent pipeline.
Partnerships with your local schools and CTE center can help ensure that students are receiving current and relevant information regarding your industry and careers available to them after graduation. Donations of resources, employee time, and equipment can help support local centers provide relevant training.
The development and adoption of the community and employer-recognized Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate (GWEC) is critical to providing a pipeline of skilled high school graduates for today’s workforce. The employability skills recognized in the GWEC have been vetted by Hoosier employers, community based organizations and post-secondary education institutions and are designed to encourage students to meet the benchmarks that will assist them in their college or career goals.
The program is structured to connect employers to their local school district through a College and Career Readiness Advisory Council, comprised of local educators and employers, establishing a fundamental, collaborative partnership for this program and continued alignment between the business community and our education system.
Quick skills upgrade
Indiana’s List of Promoted Industry Certifications is a list of certifications that have undergone a rigorous process for inclusion and promotion in the state. To be included on the list, a certification must be both recognized and valued by industry, must have transference to post-secondary training programs and must lead to quality employment. Certifications will be reviewed annually to ensure that the list remains relevant to current industry needs.
Vision: Next Level Licensing. We Work to Keep You Working.
Mission: The goal of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency is to provide licensure to professionals in the most productive and efficient manner by delivering a high level of customer service to every Hoosier licensee.
Have questions about PLA?…here are the answers.
Success Stories
As a student, I don’t often think of how a single class can impact my entire life. When I was a junior, I decided to take a CTE class at the J. Everett Light Career Center. I was a first year EMT student, and I had no clue what I was getting into. Little did I know that the class material, people, and teachers at the career center would change my life for the better. In the span of my junior year, I learned that healthcare was my passion, and that getting students into the workforce is so important.
By taking a CTE class, I was even able to gain college credits, and my passion for medical studies was so immense that I was able to graduate summa cum laude from Ivy Tech Community College within my CTE program, while I was still in high school.
I was able to run and win State President of an incredible organization named HOSA, an international student organization that promotes healthcare career opportunities and enhance the healthcare workforce. Now I am here, a senior in high school, a graduate of Ivy Tech Community College, certified EMT (and soon to be Medical Assistant) for the state of Indiana, the State President of an international organization that helps students, and an incoming freshman in college. None of these things would have been possible without my CTE class.
-Julia Stover
To see more Trilogy Success Stories visit here.