Archived Workforce Development Board Documents
Request for Proposals
Region | Description |
1 | Region 1 Northwest Indiana WIOA Youth RFP (Issue date: December 4, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Region 10 WDB Audit RFP (Issue date: October 9, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
9 | Region 9 One Stop Operator RFP (Issue date: April 3, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | Region 3 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Adult and Dislocated Worker Services RFP | Budget Template (Issue date: March 31, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
12 | Region 12 Jobs for America's Graduates Services (Issue date: March 28, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Region 10 One Stop Operator RFP (Issue date: March 13, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | Region 2 Adult/DW & Youth Programs RFP (Issue date: February 24, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | Region 11 OSO and Service Provider RFP | Service Provider Budget 2023 | OSO Budget 2023 (Issue date: February 24, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | Region 3 Northeast Indiana Works Audit RFP (Issue date: January 23, 2023) | (Application Period Closed) |
4 | Region 4 Financial Services Provider PY22-P24 RFP (Issue date: December 12, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
5 | Region 5 WDB One Stop Services RFP (Issue date: October 17, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | CWI Business Services Operations Review and Training RFP (Issue date: October 5, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Region 7 Leadership Development Training RFP (Issue date: August 29, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | SWIN Board Request for Proposals for Audit and Tax Services RFP (Issue date: August 25, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | NE Indiana Works IT Services RFP (Issue date: June 23, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Audit-and-Tax-Services-Provider-PY22-PY23 RFP (Issue date: June 16, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
6 | EIW Region Service Provision Youth Build RFP (Issue date: May 13, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | NE Indiana Works IT Services RFP (Issue date: May 12, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | CWI Audit Services RFP (Issue date: April 29, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | SIW WIOA Services RFP (Issue date: March 31, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | Business Services Training RFP (Issue date: March 15, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | Case Management Training RFP (Issue date: March 9, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | WIOA Youth RFP | Attachment A (Issue date: February 23, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Financial Software System RFP (Issue date: December 1, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Financial Software System RFP (Issue date: November 9, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | Outreach RFP (Issue date: August 30, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
8 | Audit and Tax Services RFP (Issue date: July 26, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | One Stop Operator RFP (Issue date: July 21, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Outreach Services RFP (Issue date: July 6, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | Website, Logo, Brand Package, and Social Media Services RFP (Issue date: July 1, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | External Auditing/Tax Services RFP(Issue date: June 30, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | SIW Strategic Plan Development RFP (Extended)(Issue date: May 27, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Financial Services Provider RFP (Issue date: May 4, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | Youth Services 2021 RFP (Issue date: April 20, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
4 | One-Stop Operator and Service Provision Provider RFP (Issue date: March 26, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | SIW Outreach Services RFP (Issue date: January 25, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | WIOA Adult DW Youth 2021-2022 RFP(Issue date: January 20, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | One Stop Operator for Region 7 RFP(Issue date: January 20, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | Eastern Indiana Works WIOA Service Provision RFP(Issue date: January 15, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | Youth Summer RFP (Issue date: December 21, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Audit & Tax Services RFP for Region 10 Workforce Board (Issue date: September 4, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
9 | Southeast IN Workforce Board Audit and Tax RFP (Issue date: September 4, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
8 | Executive Staff, One-Stop Operator & Service Provider RFP (Issue date: August 31, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | WIOA Adult DW Service Provider (Issue date: July 29, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
4 | Request for Proposal for Audit Services (Issue date: February 24, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
3 | One Stop Operator Services (NEIW) | Budget (Issue date: February 24, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) Request for Proposal for Audit Services (Issue date: February 3, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | One Stop Operator Services (EIW) (Issue date: February 7, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | WIOA Adult-DW Services, WIOA Youth Services, and WIOA One Stop Operator Services (Issue date: Feb. 3, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs One-Stop Operator I Budget (Issue date: Jan. 24, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
11 | Audit and Tax Services (Issue date: July 15, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
6 | Request for Proposal for Audit Service (Issue date: June 14, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
7 | Audit Services and Annual Tax Preparation (Issue date: August 9, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
1 | Staff to the Board and One-Stop Operator and/or Title 1 Adult & Dislocated Worker Service Provider (Issue date: Feb. 28, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | External Auditing / Tax Services (Issue date: Sept. 13, 2018) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | Vendor Workforce Development Services (Issue date: July 13, 2018) | (Application Period Closed) |
2 | One-Stop Operator (Issue date: July 9, 2018) |
3 | Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth Programs and Services (Issue date: Feb. 12, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
5 | One-Stop Operator; Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth and Business Services; and WDB Staffing Support Services (Issue date: Nov. 5, 2018) | (Application Period Closed) |
8 | Audit and Tax Services (Due date: Sept. 28, 2018, at noon Eastern) | (Application Period Closed) |
Request for Quotes
Region | Description |
6 | Request for Quotes for IT Support Services (Issue date: Mar. 4, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | SIW_Grant_Proposal_Writing_RFQ_for_H1-B_Project (Issue date: Oct. 13, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Front-Line Career Coach Training/Professional Development RFQ (Issue date: May 1, 2020) | (Application Period Closed) |
Public Notices
Region | Description |
10 | Southern Indiana Works Plan Notice | (Posted: 1/15/21) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Request for Quote for Front-line Career Coach Professional Development (Issue date: Feb. 28, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
10 | Draft Modification to Local Plan for WIOA Services (Issue date: Aug. 27, 2018) | (Application Period Closed) |
Request for Applications
Region | Description |
DWD | Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) RFA | RFA Questions and Answers | (Issue date: October 6, 2022) |
DWD | Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) RFA | (RFA Questions and Answers) (Issue date: May 9, 2022) | (Application Period Closed) |
N/A | The Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is pleased to announce this Request for Application (RFA) for Program Year (PY) 2021 Performance Support Grants. This grant will award funding to Indiana Regional Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) who submit proposals and are approved for funding in accordance with the requirements outlined in this RFA. Eligibility for this grant award is limited to the twelve (12) Indiana Regional Workforce Development Boards. Applications (RFA) for Program Year (PY) 2021 Performance Support Grants were to be submitted to Katie Stern,, by August 10, 2021 by 12:00 pm (EST). | (Application Period Closed) |
N/A | Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Grant RFA (Issue date: April 8, 2021) | (Application Period Closed) |
N/A | Employment Recovery DWG (RFA) | (Application Period Closed) The Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is pleased to announce this Request for Application (RFA) for the Employment Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (ER-DWG). This grant will be a one-time award of funding to Indiana Regional Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) who submit proposals and are approved for funding in accordance with the requirements outlined in the RFA below. The grant term is anticipated to range from April 15, 2020 through June 30, 2022. DWD seeks to support the efforts of Regional WDBs in responding to the significant workforce-related impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 public health emergency has contributed to a dramatic rise in unemployment throughout Indiana. These grant funds are intended to provide WDBs with funding to temporarily expand capacity and meet the increased demand for career and training services due to COVID-19. These services will assist thousands of Hoosiers facing unemployment in successfully finding employment and/or advancing their skills through training. Complete applications (including items below) were to be submitted electronically via email to by noon (12 pm) EST on August 14, 2020 in accordance with the requirements of the RFA. All questions regarding this RFA were to be submitted to on or before August 5, 2020.
N/A | Next Level Jobs - Rapid Recovery (NLJ-RR) Request for Applications (RFA) | (Application Period Closed) Eligibility for this grant award is limited to the twelve (12) Indiana Regional Workforce Development Boards. All applications were to be submitted by Noon (12 PM) (EST) on June 19, 2020. DWD will review applications in the order that they are received. DWD is under no obligation to review any applications submitted after the submission deadline. All questions regarding this RFA were to be submitted to on or before June 16, 2020. |
N/A | Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant (DR-DWG) RFA | (Application Period Closed) Complete applications (including additional items) were to be submitted electronically via email to by noon (12 pm) EST on May 20, 2020 in accordance with the requirements of the RFA. All questions regarding this RFA were to be submitted to on or before May 13, 2020. |
N/A | Grant Writing Support Services RFA | (Application Period Closed) Complete applications (including documents below) were to be submitted electronically via email to by noon (12 pm) EST on February 28, 2020 in accordance with the requirements of the RFA. All questions regarding this RFA were to be submitted to on or before February 18, 2020. |
Request for Services
Region | Description |
1 | Invitation for Bid (IFB) for Accounting Support Services (release date: January 23, 2019) | (Application Period Closed) |
5 | Procurement Support Services Consultant (begins July 1, 2018 forward) | (Application Period Closed) |