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Indiana Career Explorer

Go to and use the new Indiana Career Explorer to see how your career interests, Agilities and work values can help you consider industries and careers that need your talents.  INCE is your free career and education planning tool and can support you through all steps in mapping out your goals.

Please note that saved icons and bookmarks for the former “Indiana Career Explorer powered by Kuder” are no longer valid. These can be confusing and may lead to a Kuder landing page that is not associated with Indiana Career Explorer.

Please contact with questions. Thank you for using Indiana Career Explorer!!

Visit Indiana Career Explorer

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
DWD is an equal opportunity employer that administers equal opportunity programs. Free auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities (TDD/TTY Number: 1-800-743-3333). Free language interpretation and translation services are also available upon request.