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Employer Training Grant Funds Available to Help Hire, Train and Retain New Employees

Developing a highly skilled Indiana workforce through education and training initiatives continues to be a top priority for Governor Eric J. Holcomb. In fact, through his NextLevel Indiana agenda, Governor Holcomb rolled out his NextLevel Jobs initiative in 2017 with a specific focus on high-priority sectors and high-demand jobs.

As a result, Employer Training Grants, sponsored by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD), were initially made available in six business sectors including Advanced Manufacturing, Technology and Business Services, Transportation and Logistics, Health and Sciences, Building and Construction, and Agriculture. However, in 2024, the early childhood education and childcare training classification was prioritized.

“We are pleased with our Early Childhood Education promotions since the Governor’s announcement in January,” said Bryon Silk, DWD Executive Director of Business Services. “We have connected with over 500 Hoosier businesses to increase awareness through both virtual and scheduled in-person events and are currently at 50 percent of our investment and business engagement goal for 2024. In addition, we continue to actively work to educate employers on the funding available to them.”

Employer Training Grant funds can be used to hire, train, and retain new employees in middle skill, high-demand, and high-wage jobs. It’s believed that more than one million Indiana jobs will need to be filled over the next 10 years due to natural attrition, Baby Boomer retirements, and expected job growth.

“Hoosier employers that qualify for an Employer Training Grant are eligible for up to $50,000 per year,” said Holly Meyer, DWD’s Director of Outreach and Digital Media for Employer Engagement. “Employers can be reimbursed up to $5,000 per employee for training that results in a post-secondary credential or nationally recognized industry credential.”

Up to $3,000 in grant assistance is also available per employee for specialized company training.

“The significance of this program is that it allows employers to be in the driver’s seat,” Meyer said. “It gives them the ability to choose the training that is most necessary for their talent in order to advance their organization. For small and medium sized Hoosier businesses, upskilling, while necessary, can be costly and a burden. The Employer Training Grant helps relieve that burden.”

Click on the following link to learn how Lawrence Township Schools is benefiting from and Employer Training Grant -

Download a PDF version here

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