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Application Portfolio

Spearheaded by OTC, the Application Portfolio project's aims are to assist in providing best practice recommendations for the agency's efforts to modernize the applications and infrastructure that support IDOH. This effort has been reviewing the list of applications and infrastructure for opportunities to take advantage of newer, more efficient cloud-enabled processes.

Project Overview

Over time, applications the agency uses to support Hoosiers in their health journey require updates to interact and communicate with internal and external partners more efficiently by taking advantage of newer security and cloud methodologies. We, therefore, needed to evaluate which applications were best suited for newer methodologies to continue effective work.


OTC conducted several key steps along our work:

  • Assessed current applications
  • Evaluated applications for their readiness to cloud journey using industry best practices called under our "5R" approach: Rehost, Replatform, Refactor, Replace, Retire
  • Determine priorities for application updates using different criteria such as security, value to the business, and performance

Coming out of the pandemic, this has been a lengthy process undergoing the assessment and recommendation phase but the department is developing plans to upgrade critical applications working with other state government partners such as IOT to establish procedures to update and maintain applications for the future.