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What Is A Complete Application?

Generally, a complete air permit application is one that:

  1. Includes all required, source-specific information such as name, location, contacts, maps, process flow diagrams, and source and operation descriptions. To efficiently in-process your application, IDEM requests IDEM GSD-01 (State Form 50640) for all applications
  2. Includes IDEM Cover Sheet (State Form 50639) signed by the responsible official or the authorized individual (according to the applicable rules for the permit level). The name of the person who signs the cover sheet form must be the same name listed on Part D of the IDEM GSD-01 Form.
  3. Fulfills regulatory requirements for timeliness, proper notifications, etc.
  4. Adequately describes source units and emissions
  5. Provides source-wide potential emissions in tons per year for each regulated pollutant
  6. Provides a construction schedule, if applicable
  7. Provides all data, methodology, assumptions and calculations used to determine potential to emit (PTE)
  8. Contains a complete list of equipment, processes that emit air pollutants, including sources of fugitive emissions. (Fugitive emissions are those emissions that could not reasonably pass through a stack, chimney, vent or other functionally equivalent opening.)
  9. For each emission unit description, includes: identification number; date of construction; operation or activity description, including material processed (if applicable) and application methods; maximum operating capacity or throughput; identification of stack or vent through which emissions are exhausted; control device description(s); and estimate of PTE for each identified unit or process
  10. Identifies the type of approval being sought (such as new, renewal, transition, administrative amendment, or modification)
  11. Identifies all applicable federal and/or state rules, and selected compliance methods, if applicable

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