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What Air Permits Cannot Address

IDEM approvals do not supersede other approvals that may be required by other federal, state, or local agencies. Citizens who participate in air permit decisions sometimes raise concerns that OAQ does not have authority to address. Following are several common issues and contacts:

  • Local siting approval, such as where facilities may locate in proximity to schools, homes, medical facilities, farms or retirement communities: local planning and zoning office. (For example, an air permit issued by OAQ for the construction and operation of a new manufacturing facility will not take the place of, or waive the need for, zoning approval that a city or county may require.)
  • Roads and traffic: the Indiana Department of Transportation (national and state roads), county highway department (county roads), city street department (public roads within city limits).
  • Property values: local (county) assessor.
  • Noise and light pollution, odor control and economic development, including tourism: local government officials.
  • Fire safety or building safety issues: local fire department, local health department, or the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Division of Fire and Building Safety.
  • Chemical spills related to a source’s operation:
  • Workplace safety issues (commercial, agricultural, and industrial sectors, and occupational health hazards such as atmospheric contaminants, chemical, biological, physical, and ergonomic hazards): the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA) Industrial Compliance Division.
  • Water quality regulations (surface water and groundwater quality, drinking water supplies (including wellhead protection), wastewater treatment facilities and wetlands): IDEM’s Office of Water Quality.
  • Waste disposal and land quality regulations: IDEM’s Office of Land Quality.