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The Office of Land Quality’s Superfund program works with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to clean up sites contaminated with hazardous waste that may require complex investigations, significant cleanup actions, and long-term attention. The program involves a multi-phase process that begins with an assessment to determine if contamination is present that may impact a community. Sites that are determined to be a problem are placed on the National Priorities List (NPL). They continue through the Superfund process to determine what contamination exists, how far it may have spread, and what risk that contamination may pose. Then sites are cleaned up to reduce or eliminate risk to human health and the environment so they can be made available for beneficial reuse to the greatest extent possible. Some sites have been delisted from the NPL but are still subject to review and maintenance. U.S. EPA’s Superfund website provides more information, including a community guide [PDF] and a search feature to find Superfund sites near you.