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Dry Cleaner and Laundry Dataset

Dry cleaners launder fabrics with chlorinated solvents and, historically, Stoddard solvents instead of water. Tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene (PERC) has been the primary solvent used since the 1960s and investigations have shown that many dry cleaners have had releases of PERC which contaminated soil and groundwater. Vapors from the solvent can also volatilize and migrate into buildings in the contaminated area. PERC is a persistent solvent that does not readily degrade so contamination may be present decades after a dry cleaner has closed.

The dry cleaner and laundry (DCaL) dataset [XLSX] was compiled from historical and current city directories, business directories, and telephone books with categories (and variations) including, but not limited to the following:

  • Cleaners (i.e. Cleaners and Dryers, Cleaners and Dyers, Cleaners and Pressers, etc.),
  • Clothes Pressers and Cleaner,
  • Dry Cleaners,
  • Garment Pressing and Cleaners, and,
  • Laundries (including self-serve).

These categories were chosen because IDEM believed them to be the listings most likely to include dry cleaning facilities. For directories that have two years listed on the cover (i.e. 2018-2019), the facility was entered into the dataset as being located at the address the first year listed.

The DCaL dataset is available as a layer in IDEM’s What’s in My Neighborhood interactive map and through IDEM’s ArcGIS REST Services [PDF].

Dataset Disclaimers

  • Inclusion in the dataset does not indicate that a solvent release(s) to soil and/or groundwater has occurred.
  • Data are not a complete listing of all current and historical cleaning establishments and are not verified.
  • Data represent listings copied from the existing city, county, and state public records.
  • Locations are based on street address and subject to the following limitations:
    • City and/or street names may have changed since the listing was created and may not be locatable.
    • Addresses that could not be located may be shown at the city center.

Additional IDEM Resources Related to Dry Cleaners

To report a release, call IDEM’s 24-hour Emergency Spill Line. OLQ’s emergency responders are available any time to receive spill reports and provide response assistance.

To request information and report issues, please use IDEM’s Dry Cleaner and Laundry Dataset form.