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EC-04 - Emission Credits Request


The purpose of EC-04 (state form 51906) is to provide a standardized method for submitting requests to post a company's emission credits wish list on the IDEM website. Two versions of the form are available on the Agency Forms page:

  • The Microsoft Word version of EC-04 may be completed electronically
  • The Adobe PDF version of EC-04 may be completed by hand (or typed).

EC-04 is a required form for submitting information to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), Office of Air Quality (OAQ) for the Emission Credit Registry. For the purposes of this form, the term "source" refers to the plant as a whole and NOT to individual emissions units.

Note: Emissions reductions must be made permanent through appropriate permitting processes in order to be added to the Emission Credit Registry. Please go to the IDEM, OAQ application forms page for guidance and forms regarding submittal of air permit applications.

The IDEM Air Quality: Air Permit Assistance page provides additional information.

Send one (1) original application packet and one (1) copy of the application packet directly to the Office of Air Quality Air Permits Branch mailing address. In addition, send one (1) copy of the application packet to a public library in the county where the source is located (preferably at the local public library nearest to the source in the county where the source is located). Please do not send your application to any other offices or individuals at IDEM, as this will delay receipt and processing of your application.

Submission of Confidential Records

All information submitted to IDEM will be made available to the public unless it is submitted under a claim of confidentiality. Claim of confidentiality must be made at the time the information is submitted to IDEM and must follow the requirements set out in 326 IAC 17.1-4-1 [PDF]. Failure to follow these requirements exactly will result in your confidential information becoming a public record, available for public inspection. To ensure that your information remains confidential, refer to the IDEM OAQ information regarding submittal of confidential business information .

For more information on confidentiality for certain types of business information, please review IDEM's Nonrule Policy Document regarding Emission Data, Air-031 (available on the IDEM Nonrule Policies page).

Part A: EC Generator Information

Part A is intended to provide basic information about the company that is looking for emission credit(s).

Company Name:

Provide the legal name of the entity (e.g., company) that is looking for emission credit(s) for use as offsets for a proposed new source or expansion project.

Source ID:

The source identification (ID) number consists of a three (3) digit county code and a five (5) digit plant ID number separated by a dash (-). Sources that have been previously permitted with the OAQ should have received a source ID from our office. If you need help determining whether you have a source ID, you can contact IDEM OAQ Permits Branch or the IDEM Compliance and Technical Assistance Program.


Provide the mailing address for the company.

Name of Contact Person:

You must provide a contact person at the source, even if a consulting firm is preparing the application. The contact person cannot be the consultant.


(Optional) Provide the title or basic job description for the contact person.

Telephone Number:

Provide the telephone number for the contact person.

Facsimile Number:

(Optional) Provide the facsimile number for the contact person.

Electronic Mail Address:

(Optional) Provide the electronic mail (email) address for the contact person.

Part B: Summary of Emission Credits Wish List

Part B is intended to provide sufficient information to list a company's emission credits wish list on the Emission Credit Registry website.


List each pollutant for which you are looking for emission credits. Emission Credits may be granted for any of the following criteria air pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), and lead (Pb), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - regulated as nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM), particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOC).

EC Quantity:

For each pollutant, estimate the number of emission credit(s) needed in tons per year. The following methods are acceptable for calculating the potential to emit for an air pollutant: (1) AP-42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors; (2) Stack Test Data; (3) Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) data; and (4) Other approved methods.

Note: AP-42 is the recommended source of air pollutant emission factors for both criteria and toxic emissions.

Date Needed:

Provide the latest date by which you need to obtain the emission credits in order to proceed with applying for the appropriate air permit(s).

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